Wisconsin State Supreme Court Signals Unwillingness To Grant Sought After Relief To President’s Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Wisconsin State Supreme Court Signals Unwillingness To Grant Sought After Relief To President’s Lawsuit


For the third time in less than 30 hours, four justices on the state Supreme Court dealt President Donald Trump a setback Friday, saying they wouldn’t accept a lawsuit by Trump allies who wanted to let Republican lawmakers instead of voters decide how to cast the state’s electoral votes. 

As with two decisions Thursday, Friday’s ruling was 4-3, with conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn joining the court’s liberals to rebuff the president as he seeks to take away Democrat Joe Biden’s narrow win of the state.  

“The relief being sought by the petitioners is the most dramatic invocation of judicial power I have ever seen,” Hagedorn wrote. 

“While the rough and tumble world of electoral politics may be the prism through which many view this litigation, it cannot be so for us. In these hallowed halls, the law must rule.”


11 Comments on Wisconsin State Supreme Court Signals Unwillingness To Grant Sought After Relief To President’s Lawsuit

  1. “In dissent, Chief Justice Patience Roggensack picked apart Hagedorn’s focus on the request to invalidate every vote. Hagedorn “has the cart before the horse,” she wrote.

    “We grant petitions to exercise our jurisdiction based on whether the legal issues presented are of statewide concern, not based on the remedies requested,” she wrote.

    She contended Hagedorn and the others were refusing to ensure the election was fair with their refusal this week to take up challenges from Trump, the voters alliance and a Wisconsin man who argued the absentee ballot drop boxes the state used were illegal.

    “This is the third time that a majority of this court has turned its back on pleas from the public to address a matter of statewide concern that requires a declaration of what the statutes require for absentee voting,” wrote Roggensack, who was joined in her dissent by Justices Rebecca Bradley and Annette Ziegler.”

    But anyway, I guess every state court has a weak-kneed ‘Roberts’ on deck.

  2. Seems to me the way “indefinitely confined” was created and handled during this election would be a clear 14th amendment violation.

    That said, what about the justices allowing for an audit of the 221,000 ballots being challenged. Those that are obviously fraudulent based on addresses, death notices and state citizenship should be thrown out, that way the only ones being removed are the illegal ballots. Surely, no democrat would object to tossing fake votes?

  3. What the court seems to be saying is that they can’t grant the relief requested even if it decided in favor of the plaintiff so there is no sense or reason in allowing the suit to go forward.

    This actually makes sense.

  4. “…saying they (State Supreme Court) wouldn’t accept a lawsuit by Trump allies who wanted to let Republican lawmakers instead of voters decide how to cast the state’s electoral votes.”

    Except the “voters” were already deprived of that right by the dems.

  5. From the Milwaukee Sentinel:

    “Election results show Biden has 306 electoral votes and Trump has 232. That means even if Trump flips Wisconsin’s electoral votes, Biden will still claim the presidency.”

    Is Wisconsin the only state where Trump contesting? No, I didn’t think so. This is a great example of the left-wing media twisting things to support Biden. Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan are also in Trump’s headlights.

    The newspaper is saying: Don’t bother trying to flip Wisconsin.

    But if Trump flips Wisconsin, it is not over, that’s just the beginning.


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