Wisconsin Stinks To High Heaven – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Stinks To High Heaven

NCRenegade –

The fix is in folks. They are stealing this election right in front of our very eyes. How, you say?

I’ll give you just a couple of examples. First off, overnight in Michigan, Biden gets an infusion of 138,339 votes, but nobody else gets not one single vote, not one? Second, in Wisconsin, Trump was leading by 110k votes with 93% reporting. Now Biden is up by 20k with 95% reporting. The only way that 400k votes equals 2% is if there were 20 million votes. They are stealing Wisconsin. These are just two examples of mathematical impossibilities.

Our country is now lost. Now what are you/we going to do about it?

Are we going to watch our country be stolen from us and do nothing? Or will we fight?


ht/ fdr in hell

23 Comments on Wisconsin Stinks To High Heaven

  1. The Democrat Party venerates brigands, freebooters and cut throats. They live in a parallel Universe. Normal people cannot get their mind around the shamelessness of these acts. It is what it is and they are what they are. They have absolutely no conscience.

  2. Well, they have a good number of people rioting already. They seem determined to provoke a lot more people to riot, too. People who aren’t interested in carrying off loot, but are instead interested in carrying off scumbag destroyers America.

    Doesn’t matter to them if they riot for a different reason. At least not until it comes to their front door.

  3. JDHasty, both you and I both know that Dino Rossi was was hosed by Chris Gregoire and the mysterious appearance of just enough ballots all with the same Seattle mailing address in order to steal the 2004 Wash. Governors election. The theme song for these damn cheaters should be Dead Skunk In The Middle Of The Road s Stinking To High Heaven by Loudon Wainwright the Third.

  4. The problem is that POTUS Trump did not put an effective Attorney General in place and establish a well resourced, full time, vote fraud taskforce on day one.

    It does no good to talk about vote fraud after the fact or even during the fact. If POTUS Trump wins, nobody will look into this any more. THAT is the problem.

  5. What good is a recount if you are just going to recount the same ill-gotten ballots? Is there any way to distinguish and verify the 138,000 miraculously appearing ballots, or were they just thrown in a pile with all the rest?

  6. The script is playing out just as Nancy Pelosi wrote it and announced it: Trump will appear to have won on election night but will subsequently lose. Its almost like they had it all planned out. Weird.

  7. The good news is that, if Kamala wins, there will never be a need to vote again. In four years the election contest for the old still around will be handled by voting machines connected to major Tech and the young will use their computer so that numbers can be taken and changed at Will. Google, Facebook etc will be the new poling site and , like Twitter, a wrong vote can be cancelled or changed for your own good and Community Standards. The Republican nominee will be another Jeb Bush, Collins of Romney, maybe a Trump…but it will not matter. The system will be fixed, the voters will be Packed from open borders and the Media will have a new stick by which Wrong think can be punished. Salem MA writ large. It may be ,soon enough, that if you vote badly, without knowing why or who, your life will take a down trend at work, socially and financially. The IRS will , along with Child Services, banks, Insurance, Teachers and finally military , harass your family…South Africa is a model of what is coming..Leftist may be mean, unable to learn, Nihilistic and humorless but they are unmatched in their pursuit of Power and you are expendable..Watch for…Truth and Reconciliation , Reparations, Infinite money spent upon proving Science backs solar and wind , The existing Wall as a Federal Monument to Racism (school children must make the trek) , IRS audits, Jobs to China, Kamala a Billionare, the English Language deconstructed, 24/7 Propaganda some mandatory to attend, Your KIND being isolated and ridiculed and History re written to name a few…Trump hanging on, but how does a civilized human deal with Progressives other than extermination ? So, maybe Civil War is a good idea while there are still guns in the hands of the non sub human.

  8. The media’s complicity in this sham election is staggering and disgusting. Last night at 2 am the North carolina official elections website had Trump winning the election with 100% of the votes counted

    100 of 100 Counties Completely Reported
    2,662 of 2,662 Precincts Reporting

    Trump 2,732,084
    Biden 2,655,383

    Fox news was reporting that the race was too close to call with 94% of the vote in. Today at about 9 pm fox news was wondering why the south Carolina results were still stuck at 94% This is the same f##$ing network that declared Biden the winner of Virgina with 1% of the vote in and, at that time Trump was up by nearly 30 percentage points. Totally done with fox which I only occasional watched in the last few months anyway.

    North Carolina state Board of elections website Official presidential election results


  9. There are BTW approximately 200,000 More people REGISTERED TO VOTE IN WISCONSIN than there are people eligible to vote. The court ORDERED the DEMONRATS to PURGE the VOTER ROLES OBVIOUSLY they DID NOT. So there you go an ineffectual court ordered was not followed. This all took place in the late spring or summer look it up


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