Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down Gov. Tony Evers’ lockdown order – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down Gov. Tony Evers’ lockdown order

Free states versus slave states.

Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down Tony Evers’ stay-at-home order that closed businesses, schools to limit spread of coronavirus.

20 Comments on Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down Gov. Tony Evers’ lockdown order

  1. This Kung Flu shits gone to far. They’re now running adds for face masks. They had some guy with a beard wearing one. It looked like a woman’s underwear commercial from 1972. Enoughs enough.

  2. This news really made my day today as one who happens to live in this douchebag’s state. The Wisconsin Tavern League pretty much told lil’ Tony to suck a fat one by immediately announcing that any establishment who wants to reopen immediately should do so. The Internet Karens are losing their minds over this with the usual “YOU’LL KILL EVERYONE’S GRANDMA IF YOU OPEN UP NOW!” but nobody seems to care about their garbage opinions any longer.

    Of course, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett proposed that he may set his OWN rules about opening in the city, which makes me very glad to be out in the suburbs where nobody will enforce any such crap on businesses that open. My local watering hole apparently started serving food and drinks this evening, so tomorrow, I head back for my first sit-down meal there in 10 weeks, and it will be wonderful.

  3. Will the Wash. state Supreme Court do the same and hold Jay Inslee accountable? Somehow I doubt it. How about the Feds? Will they step up as well to tell democrap governors to back off? And why am I not holding my breath waiting for someone to actually have the guts to challenge the unconstitutional dictates of out of control democrap governors and mayors. Something has to give and I pray that we don’t have to fight another civil war or revolution to get our country back. It won’t be pretty and a lot of innocent law abiding citizens will be killed by these power hungry tyrants. God help us, man sure as Hell won’t!

  4. Flawed politicians, following flawed models. It’s about time these wanna-be dictatorial assholes get reminded that our rights supersede their desire for power over the masses.
    Next up, the witch from MI gets burned at the stake.

  5. ode #2 to michigan:
    .a half-wit guvnah went law-less
    .said her “proclamations” they’s be flaw-less
    .it was all quite a stunt
    .from a useless lib-c**t
    .she just made more demonrat-rat dog-mess!

  6. the citizens don’t need the courts to give them their rights back
    the citizens are waking up to the china lung rot fraud by themselves are taking their rights back

    but it’s nice to have the courts on their side anyway

  7. D. Bag and Bad_Brad — Love to see you weighing in on Lake Country! I live just outside Oconomowoc, and am thankful every day to be out of Milwaukee County. Terrific news that Gov. Dweeb’s rules got nuked, and we can get back to business, go to the driving range, and eat at my favorite restaurant (S & J Cafe in Oconomowoc).

  8. I hope this bodes well for Maine. General Mills has decided to extend her civil emergency, aka dictatorship, through June 11. No science behind it. She just wants to wait for federal money.
    I have donated to a class action lawsuit against Mills for her unconstitutional edicts and behavior.
    I am not completely hopeful when it comes to Maine courts. An Obama appointee ruled last week that churches don’t have the right to assemble and worship.


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