Wisconsin Voters Lose Power to Challenge Election Law Violations to Bureaucrats – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Voters Lose Power to Challenge Election Law Violations to Bureaucrats

The Federalist

In one fell swoop, the liberal-led Wisconsin Supreme Court shredded long-established principles of legal standing while showing voters what leftist control of the Badger State’s highest court would look like for the foreseeable future. 

In a 4-3 ruling Tuesday, the state Supreme Court reversed a lower court decision that found Racine County resident Kenneth Brown could bring a lawsuit alleging multiple violations of state election law involving the city’s use of a “Zuckbucks”-funded “mobile election unit” in the 2022 primary election. The decision, a troubling exhibit of judicial activism with potentially far-reaching consequences, was issued just six weeks before a costly election to determine whether liberals or conservatives will control the Wisconsin Supreme Court. More

10 Comments on Wisconsin Voters Lose Power to Challenge Election Law Violations to Bureaucrats

  1. As sports caster Jim Rome used to say, if you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying. The last election showed libs that their policies aren’t really all that popular, so it’s back to cheating.

  2. Cut all federal funding going to Wisconsin. It matters not if it is local, State or federal elections, this is a violation of legal voters’ rights to participate in free and fair elections. That is a fundamental civil right to US citizens.


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