Wisconsin’s Star Chamber Official Closed – IOTW Report

Wisconsin’s Star Chamber Official Closed

The State Supreme Court of Wisconsin this morning ruled 4-2 that the John Doe II investigation is to stop, all evidence gathered to be returned and copies of evidence destroyed. The Court found that the state law against coordination as “unconstitutionally overbroad and vague under the First Amendment.”

The Court of Star Chamber

The strong rebuke in the language of the ruling will create a clear opening for the Republican held legislature to reform both the state’s campaign finance rules and the Government Accountability Board that is suppose to oversee political activity.


There is talk of asking SCOTUS to review the ruling by the Wisconsin Supreme Court, but the highest court in the nation rarely gets involved in first amendment cases at the state level.

No word on how the subject of the John Doe II will ever recover the millions of dollars spent defending themselves against this assault on their free speech rights.


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