With Compassion and Kindness and all the Dignity He Can Bestow, Townhall Writer Says Bruce Jenner is a Man Wearing a Dress – IOTW Report

With Compassion and Kindness and all the Dignity He Can Bestow, Townhall Writer Says Bruce Jenner is a Man Wearing a Dress

It’s not what you identify yourself as. It’s what you’d be identified as by others if they knew nothing about you and examined your DNA.

It’s a tough nut to swallow… what?… but believing doesn’t make it so.

Your thoughts are not your physical body. At best we can say you’re a man or a woman who has decided that you feel more comfortable making believe you are something that you’re not while you were alive.

Unfortunately, if a person who transitioned from male to female disappeared and a body was found, science would not say that a male body could not be the “female” they were looking for just to placate the deranged community.

Or would they? I wouldn’t put anything past the left. They are mentally ill.



I do not write these words lightly, and there is not an ounce of mockery or, God forbid, hatred in my heart when I say that Caitlyn Jenner is a man wearing a dress. I am simply speaking the plain and obvious truth, as politically incorrect as that truth might be right now.

Again, my goal is not to belittle or disparage, and as loudly and clearly as I can, I proclaim God’s love for all of you who identify as transgender, reminding each one that Jesus died for you just as He died for me and that God has a good and godly purpose for each of your lives.

You are not defective any more than I am defective, and every human being on the planet is broken in some way and in need of a Great Physician.

But because I care enough about the transgender community to speak out, even though I’ll be branded a transphobe and bigot, I’m going to state things with clarity and conviction here, reminding us that the emperor has no clothes (as Carlson rightly did on Fox last week).

And I’m going to  encourage parents and policy makers, counselors and pastors, educators and activists, along with all those who care about their trans-identified friends and family that: 1) there is no settled science confirming transgender identity; 2) we still know very little about many operations of the brain, including those related to what is now called gender dysphoria (previously known as gender identity disorder, or GID); 3) studies continue to indicate that the vast majority of children who identify as transgender do not do so after puberty (even if many ultimately identify as gay); 4) there must be a better way than our current approach to treating gender dysphoria; 5) it is unfair to impose the struggles of less than 1 percent of the population on the rest of the population, especially on impressionable kids; and 6) gender distinctions should be celebrated and appreciated, rather than branded patriarchal or heterosexist or the like.

22 Comments on With Compassion and Kindness and all the Dignity He Can Bestow, Townhall Writer Says Bruce Jenner is a Man Wearing a Dress

  1. Why we continue to discuss mental patients is a mystery to me. Let’s talk about truckers who eat tofu and do poetry slams. Probably about the same percentage statistically

    We give them much more attention than they deserve.

    Sorry for the thread kill but seriously…permission granted to take control of your miserable fucking life. Leave me out of it. No. Really.

  2. The main issue I have is the so-called “Justice Warrior” activism that accompanies gender dysphoria (see how the Left has changed it to sound less like mental illness?). It’s never enough — for any of the pet mental disorders du jour — that people are merely equal under the law. No. They always want to be more equal than everyone else. And if they can’t do it through legislation and special dispensation arising out of that, then they try to degrade everything that stands in direct opposition to their philosophies, such as hetero, white, male people. That’s it, isn’t it? If you’re LBTGQ, you can’t like heteros. If you’re black you can’t like white. If you’re a woman/feminist you can’t like men. That’s what this is all about.

  3. …pretty soon — if the Left would have its way — every last thing that was ever written for tee vee and movies that was ever funny will be verboten.

    Humorless #$#!((!!

  4. …And that woman, Dolezal, who thinks she’s black? Someone said her book, “In Full Color” or “In Living Color” or whatever, should be titled, “White Like Me.” I think it should be titled, “Blite Like Me” — as in she is a blight on the sanity of the world.

  5. If a man shows his penis to girls on a street corner it is a grime.
    If a man shows his penis to your 12 year old daughter in the bathroom of Target it is wonderful progress.

    You decide.

  6. …And that girl who has been taking so-called hormones in order to “transition” into a guy — the one who is the HS wrestler on the girls’ team? If the league was run by sane people, she’d be disqualified for taking performance-enhancing drugs. Clear and simple. It doesn’t matter what she ‘intends’ to do, it’s what she is doing that gives her a measurable edge in competing against other girls. It’s just wrong and no amount of PC sympathy changes that.

  7. PHenry. My feelings exactly. Abigail, the left is having it’s way.
    Up ’till now. I’ll run it in again to IOTW.
    youtube. Pat Condell “We want the truth.” also “America’s moment of Truth.”

  8. …Progtarded administrators, coaches and whoever else who took those idiotic retreats to discuss childhood development are to blame for most of this. Their so-called “expertise” in raising/teaching/coaching kids is a bunch of bunk. Most kids know by the age of seven how to manipulate the people and the world around them in order to get their own way. The only thing they’re being taught by these weirdos is how to press the right social justice buttons. Rachel Dolezal, Jenner and the rest of them really needed strong parents who sat them down and said, “Look, you’re not a _______. So just cut it out!”

  9. There was a term for those who ‘believe’ something that is in contrast to reality: DELUSIONAL.

    Who says we can’t just stick with that word?

  10. Darn it! Clicked to see funny comments and a thread win, like last nights “put your wrists in here”.
    All serious posts blahhhh. BFH wins with it’s a tough nut to swallow. 😀

  11. any progtard that lets their kid ‘transition’ should be brought up on child-abuse charges … ’cause that’s exactly what it is

    btw, Carlson just destroyed ‘Bill Nye, the Scienterific Guy’ on ‘climate change’… Nye actually was babbling about Trump leakers in the end

  12. Getting people to discuss these stories/scenarios etc. gives them legitimacy they don’t deserve. It forces people to accept or at least entertain their premise that you can pick your gender and argue how it should be treated. And on top of it we have to apologize and tip toe around discussing the obvious truth to avoid hurting anyone’s feelings. The reality is it is a mental illness, the compassionate thing would be to treat it, not validate fantasy.

  13. Let’s take Brucie baby as an example. Ok he changed to a woman. Now, most of the women i know want to be with a man but no Brucie wants to find women to be with.
    Same damn thing with Cher’s kid, Chastity. She wants a girl.
    Brucie baby, bubby , darling, you just want your own titties (and snatch, if you go that far) to play with when you can’t get anyone to date you as a male

    Brucie, baby, bubby it’s called a “Flesh lite” and Chastity ,honey ,darling, sweetie, its called a “Rabbit”.
    All driven by AA batteries, won’t talk back and will never say “Bitch, get me a ham sammich, and a Lone Star.
    Damn, Jenner is one ugly dude in a dress. And Chastity is 6 degress of fugly

  14. I love reading the comments here ,not the common psycho babble you see else where.IOTW report must have the most intelligent readers ,I mean the way you guys and gals put your responses to words is very impressive.just a highschool educated lurker here..

  15. There is an all out satanic blitzkrieg across America. Societal norms for every form of behavior are under attack. Our public schools have been reduced to propaganda mills, law enforcement officials pick and choose what laws they want to enforce, Congress is a joke and has been for decades, gender roles are ridiculed,children are sex objects and the media has chosen to attack the very foundation of our society – the traditional family.

    Caitlyn, nee Bruce Jenner, Chaz Boner and the like are simply the lipstick the liberals have slapped on the cursed Golem thy have constructed that is turning our beloved Nation into the United States of Babylon the Whore.

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