With Enemies Like This, Donald Trump Doesn’t Need Friends – IOTW Report

With Enemies Like This, Donald Trump Doesn’t Need Friends

Townhall —So, the Washington Post says that Donald Trump wants to honor the military with a parade, which the Trump-haters inform us is the worst thing that ever was because it’s Donald Trump who wants to honor the military with a parade. The very day the Democrats decided that they should make fun of Trump’s physical disqualification for military service – Democrats were pretending to think not serving is bad that morning – the Donkeys also decided they needed to spazz out about honoring our troops.

Whap! That’s the sound of the Democrats stepping on another rake.

Is a parade a good idea? A bad idea? Irrelevant! It’s a hilarious idea, because when this idea erupted on social media, it was absolutely certain that the liberals would immediately take a position that required them to say, “No, we should totally not honor our troops.”

Oh, I’m sure they’ve got plenty of nuance to that position – my favorite is their newfound concern about spending – but at the end of the day the message is clear. Trump wants to honor the troops, and the Democrats don’t.

Hilarious! And Trump does this to them all the time.

The president’s quarters have to be echoing with laughter every night after another day of the Beltway Bubble Boys ‘n Girls dancing to The Donald’s tune. By leveraging tweets, leaks, and off-the-cuff statements, no one has ever owned the mainstream media like Donald Trump. Those Democrat court reporters hate him, to be sure, but when he says “Jump,” they say, “How low?”  read more

21 Comments on With Enemies Like This, Donald Trump Doesn’t Need Friends

  1. Trump put the idea out of a parade to further grind their noses in the pile of scat they left. He is having fun with them and they’re so easily triggered by his baiting.

  2. I’ve seen many films of American troops marching down Fifth Avenue in NYC and Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C. during WWI and WWII. They marched before they shipped out and when they came back victorious. The last ones I remember seeing on television were after the Desert Storm victory in 1991. Have the Democrats become that unpatriotic in that short a time? Yes.

  3. NPR (I listen so you don’t have to) recently ran a couple of snotty “reports” about the national debt and the cost of, the monstrosity of, the evil of “Trump’s parade”.

    It’s getting so outrageous I don’t know how much longer I can monitor NPR..

  4. Czar of D. That’s funny. I’d love to see a parade, an American parade, like the Gulf War and Desert Storm parades. Marching bands, Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Air Force,Coast Guard, and Merchant Marines. No missiles,cannons, tanks, etc. like the North Korean and Russian bullshit.

  5. TRUMP is a master tactician. The demoncrats have always used prevarication to get their way, it’s all they have.
    TRUMP knows that well and uses it to America’s benefit.
    It is a thing of beauty and a pleasure for this jaded old fart to watch.

  6. Valentine’s, Mothers’ and Fathers’ Days are coming…

    I wonder what POTUS Trump has lined up for those holidays?

    I’m still laughing at how he got the Left to shout from the rooftops just how anti-American they are.

  7. Chuckie Shroomer a few years ago thought a military parade was the best thing since sliced bread. Now he compares Trump to Lil’ Kim and Putin for wanting a military parade to honor troops.

    Better lay off the psychedelics Chuckie!

  8. Watch the ArmyvsNavy football game and not be awed by the display of the new military. The soldiers in the war zones need to know that we support them all the way.
    I’d love to see a parade. It doesn’t have to be massive, it only has to be.

  9. Maybe the Democrats can organize a Dreamer’s Parade?!

    The sidewalks could be lined with Border Patrol, ICE agents, and police officers.

    Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters can be the parade leaders, wearing #MeToo# sweaters.

  10. A military parade that shows the diversity of the military. Maybe a couple of truck loads of “LEGAL” immigrants. I’ve always thought it would be a great fast track to citizenship, 4 or 6 years in the military, honorable discharge/ American citizen. There would be flocks of new recruits, and also they would have speak English.

  11. When you’re life is spent going from one apoplectic overreaction punctuated by logically inconsistent hyperbole without thought of how that makes people who counted on you feel to another, then you are prime trolling materiel and someone like Trump knows exactly what to do with you.

    The democrats are now the democrats’ own worse enemy. And Trump is supplying them with the battle plan.

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