With Friends Like These – Guy Tosses “Firework” Into a Car – IOTW Report

With Friends Like These – Guy Tosses “Firework” Into a Car

At the very least, this guy is deaf-

17 Comments on With Friends Like These – Guy Tosses “Firework” Into a Car

  1. Once upon a time up in Nebraska, a cohort and I made a shoulder fired rocket launcher. We planned to drive slowly past a fireworks stand as one of us sat in the bed and launched a rocket into the place. I was to be the launcher. Luckily, I chickened out at the last second. I did, however, launch a rocket down a dorm hallway on a certain Air Force base causing much pandemonium.

  2. Buddy of mine had a body shop with a manual tire change stand. he had just put a tire on the rim and was inflating it up set the bead when I lit an M80 and tossed it on the floor between his feet. when it went off he jumped about 3 feet and danced around checking body parts cuz he thought the tire had exploded! we all got a good laugh out of it, including him cuz that’s just what we did when we were younger!

  3. Ahh yes, fond memories of stupid pranks. Maybe not that exact one, but stupid fun with explosions it was. Alas and alack the time has passed. It wasn’t taxpayer money buying our bombs, we worked for our money to waste on booms.


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