With Friends Like These Who Needs Art Critics? – IOTW Report

With Friends Like These Who Needs Art Critics?

UK Daily Mail

Hunter Biden‘s artwork has brought in $1.3 million dollars, and it has been revealed that a top Democratic donor and Biden family friend who President Biden named to a prestigious commission was one of the top purchasers. 

Despite a promise that all purchasers’ identities would be kept a secret, two names have been revealed: Los Angeles-based real estate investor and Democratic donor Elizabeth Hirsch Naftali and Hollywood attorney Kevin Morris. More

12 Comments on With Friends Like These Who Needs Art Critics?

  1. “Last Thursday Kevin Morris was seen smoking from a bong in public view. He has been revealed as one of the buyers of Hunter’s artwork”

    …you’d need sonething WAAAY stronger than 40 toke Tampico ditch weed in that bong to think a Hunter Biden Original is any kind of “art” besides the comedic kind…

  2. …OTOH the “judge” in his daughter, Pedo Joe’s granddaughter’s child support case awarded poor Navy BIDEN some Hunter originals in lieu of ACTUAL money, so let’s test this “value” theory by seeing if any of these Dem Donors would like to purchase some of THOSE from the MOTHER OF HIS CHILD for a similar price, same thing, after all…


  3. Joey makes “artwork” like that in his Pants and on his Mattress at least one a week.
    Many times he includes “Live Performance Art” internationally in the presence of Dignitaries, Royalty & Pope Frankie.

  4. The only way his artwork will remain “valuable”, should anything happen to Mr Potato Head, is if Biden family aren’t the only ones cashing in.
    It will not surprise me at all if we find out most of the demonrat party and many repubs are making bank from Joe’s dirty deals.

  5. Same scam as the ones where Clintons, Obamas, etc, received millions from publishers for “memoirs” publishers never sold enough copies of to break even.
    That’s either an unsustainable business model, or some fuckery going on.


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