With Gasoline Reaching Record Highs, Massive Inflation and a Crisis in Ukraine, Kamala Harris Brags “You get what you vote for” – IOTW Report

With Gasoline Reaching Record Highs, Massive Inflation and a Crisis in Ukraine, Kamala Harris Brags “You get what you vote for”

Attending a black history month celebration at the White House today, Kamala Harris gleefully remarked “you get what you vote for”.

31 Comments on With Gasoline Reaching Record Highs, Massive Inflation and a Crisis in Ukraine, Kamala Harris Brags “You get what you vote for”

  1. Could you guys AT LEAST pose as anon #1 & #2?
    How can you NOT see how ridiculous it is commenting on this site as anonymous when selecting a site name takes 0.0000738 femto-seconds?

    It’s the dumbest shit I’ve seen since that idiot LA mayor Garcetti said that he held his breath when he removed his mask for selfies.
    FJB, Covfefe!

  2. Your talkin methane vs gasoline, very different products. 5 dollars, just wait to the greedy gas producers raise it to 7-8 dollars.
    They didn’t even wait, raised prices before Putin was even out of the gate.

  3. Whenever you see an Anonymous, you should be thinking “6 CAN PLAY THAT GAME!” The process dilutes and confuses the message. As well as being amusing.

  4. The iotw software needs to be coded to differentiate through ip address the various anonymous posters.
    I suggest it use familiar terminology like:

    “Lazy Asshole who can’t be bothered to sign in/create name #1”
    “Lazy Asshole who can’t be bothered to sign in/create name #2”

  5. The Kalamitous Jamindian isn’t going to increase the value of the Office of Vice President of the United States of America with pronouncements like this. The bucket of warm piss is beginning to overflow. Soon enough, she will be unmasked! Then, even her most dimwitted supporters will begin to realize that she’s halfwitted. Fweedom!

  6. @Uncle Al March 1, 2022 at 12:04 am

    > No, Kakamala, I definitely did not get what I voted for.

    You accepted The Party’s list. Of whoever The Party couldn’t care less sits on that Party throne. For now.

    You accepted The Party’s list. Of whoever The Party couldn’t care less votes for who sits on that Party throne. For now.

    You accepted The Party’s list. Of whoever The Party would have “count” the votes. For now.

    You accepted The Party’s list. Of whoever The Party would have decide if the votes were “counted” “correctly”. For now.

    You accepted The Party’s offer. To “vote”.

    You got exactly what you “voted”, for.

  7. Could this be payback for her introduction ….
    Dr Jill disparaging Cumala…….

    talking about her marching for civil rights…..“….. our vice president’s historic path to the White House began before she could even walk,”

    then by introducing her as President……then saying….“….just said that to make you laugh.”


    I don’t think they like each other.

  8. Cheated, stuffed ballots, as they stomp their feet. Nope didn’t happened, but please believe your lying #1 culter. Oh & by the way Putin told Donny, that if he/Putin felt pushed into a corner, he would use nuclear weapons, the same time Putin talked about supersonic weapons. Donny just shrugged bit off, ignored it.


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