With his tweets about Scarborough’s intern, Trump set a trap for Twitter – IOTW Report

With his tweets about Scarborough’s intern, Trump set a trap for Twitter

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg.

Even Trump-supporters have wondered about Trump’s tweets implying that MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough had something to do with a young intern’s death in his office when he was still a Florida congressman.  It’s true that Scarborough and his co-host and wife Mika Brzezinksi have spent three years accusing Trump of treasonous collusion with the Russians, but Trump’s venom still seemed strange.

I, however, don’t think it was strange at all.  Trump is one of the most calculating, rational people ever to occupy the White House.  He’s been faced with a serious problem, which is the fact that the immensely powerful social media giants, which are the gateway to most information nowadays, have already begun trying to sway the election to Biden.  Legislatively, thanks to three years of Russiagate and the current hostile House, Trump has been powerless.

So Trump set a trap.  On Wednesday, the Twitter mouse took the bait.

The ostensible story is about Lori Klausutis, 28, who worked in Scarborough’s Fort Walton Beach congressional office from 1999 to 2001.  On July 20, 2001, when Scarborough was out of town, Klausutis’s body was found in the office.  Because of a very bizarre medical examiner, it wasn’t clear how Klausutis died, making her death ripe for different theories.

Initially, those theories came from the left.  In 2010, hard-left Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas lost a gig at MSNBC when he tweeted directly to Scarborough about Klausutis’s death.  Other leftists such as James Wolcott and Michael Moore attacked Scarborough, too.

After Scarborough turned on Trump in 2016, Trump eventually tweeted out an allusion to Klausutis’s death: more here

29 Comments on With his tweets about Scarborough’s intern, Trump set a trap for Twitter

  1. Orange is the color of creativity, youth and enthusiasm.

    Black is the color of death, fear and grief.

    The science of colors is interesting. It can also be a window into political timescapes. We came out of a period of death and destruction four years ago and we entered a period of joy and enthusiasm for life.

    Orange man is so much better for our society than black ass.

  2. Bearing false witness against someone is still bearing false witness no matter who does it or what the reason.

    In the end, nothing good comes from lies. They all pay homage to the Father of Lies and increase his power and hold on the people of the world.

  3. “Where’s the lie, anonymous?”

    Where’s the evidence against Scarborough?

    The first paragraph makes it clear that “Even Trump-supporters have wondered about Trump’s tweets implying that MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough had something to do with a young intern’s death in his office when he was still a Florida congressman. ”

    An implication is the same as an accusation.

    So where is the evidence?

  4. Anon,
    Ohhhhhh………..you mean like the “Russian collusion” implication/accusation that’s been “investigated” for the past 3 years……….with NO evidence against President Trump. At. All?

    Your bringing it all up that way puts me in mind of an old family saying, “Sauce. Goose. Gander.” I’m sure that YOU’RE intelligent enough to figure it out.

  5. Scarborough and Wife and Co. get to lie on his show for almost four years and the POTUS is not allowed to hit back??? With a schiv as only he can?

    “where’s the evidence?” I guess that makes me a conspiracy theorist and you a Noble?

    Get a grip Anon(s).

  6. Lies don’t justify lies, Tim, and trying to deflect to some other subject instead of addressing a topic is just trying to avoid examining truth or lack of it.

    Some famous guy once pointed out that knowing the truth will set you free, and he was referring to being set free from lies. Justifying lies keeps you bound by them, and truth is known from lies by examining the evidence given in support of them.

  7. Anonymous at 1001

    “Lies don’t justify lies, Tim, and trying to deflect to some other subject . . .”

    How about we start with a non deflecting Name?

  8. “An implication is the same as an accusation.”

    After decades of leftists making veiled accusations then, when called on it, saying “Hey, we’re just asking questions!” you can’t have this both ways.

    Trump is just asking questions.

  9. Oh FFS. It’s a troll tactic. Trump (or whoever) trolls, and then people pay attention to the subject. Trump said to ‘investigate’.

    1.We don’t know what happened, but we do know Scarborough quit soon after.
    2. The doc who did the autopsy was reported to be shady as hell with his findings in this and of other cases.
    AND he kept body parts in a storage locker. And he can’t even tell anyone WHY.

    Nobody is interested in that? At all?


  10. Thirdwin, correct…”We’re just raising questions.”

    It’s long past time WE started ‘just raising questions’ ALL OVER THE PLACE because the questions WE raise, we already know the truth about. Long past time to put the Left on defense and shut their mouths.

  11. The guy was a protected member of CONGRESS, jeez, wake up!

    Remember, its’ called the Swamp for a reason…

    Oh, btw, do we all know she was a Marathon Runner that just fell and knocked her head??

    Does a conspirator in a crime need to be a the crime seen when the crime is committed?? Of course not.

    Anon lives in a pure world of some sort, the High and Mighty one…you need a red pill my friend. This is not ‘your fathers’ Marcus of Queensbury rules of fighting, that was then and this is now.


  12. Trump doesn’t mention anything unless he has the evidence. Our President is a master of patience when in comes to the timing of showing his hand.
    The average person has no clue what he’s doing. This is why too many keep begging him to arrest someone. He will, and it will be perfectly timed.

  13. Fun Fact:

    It was hillary clinton who started the 0bama birther thing/ fake birth certificate movement.
    The Left starts a game, doesn’t know how to play, blames everyone else when the ‘else’ wins it. 🤣

    The Right trolled 0bama so hard he ended up showing his
    ‘birth certificate’. Not because of the Right. But because of the Left.
    They kept bringing it up because we were trolling. lol
    Had the lefties in media STFU about it, it wouldn’t have gone anywhere.
    But ohhhh that sweet sweet candy…

  14. Tiger Eyes- People tend to forget that since Trump did business and did shows, events around these people, that he knows about them, knows rumors about them.

    Remember that creep AG in NY? Eric Schneiderman was starting shit with Trump right after he got elected. Trump, on Twitter, said that Eric was a dude with dark secrets and an all around POS.

    Guess what happened?

  15. @Tiger Eyes – ‘He will, and it will be perfectly timed.’

    BINGO – I CONCUR 100%. I for one am not shouting for ‘orange jumpsuits’ and perp walks.

    It’ll come…in DJT POTUS time. He wears a VERY different watch…

    @MJA – ‘Remember that CREEP AG in NY?’ :>)

    I remember him getting his and saying ‘HAAAAAHA’.

  16. If President Trump has made statements or asked questions that are “lies”, then why hasn’t Scarborough sued the President for defamation?
    A lawsuit should be the first thing a “conscientious” progressive stooge like Scarborough is expected to do – if there was no truth to his involvement in the questionable death of his intern.
    Something is rotten in Denmark and it’s all the events leading to this Scarborough scandal.

  17. It’s laughable to see someone who probably knows nothing about the Holy Bible, attempt to interpret scripture. Leftist hypocrisy can be entertaining;

    MAY 29, 2020 AT 10:01 AM
    “…Some famous guy once pointed out that knowing the truth will set you free, and he was referring to being set free from lies.”

    No. The scripture refers to Christ being sent by the Father, God to deal with sin and only through Christ can sin be defeated.

    BTW, the “some famous guy” is Christ who said;

    John 8
    31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.
    32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
    33 They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?”
    34 Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.
    35 And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever.
    36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”


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