With New York primary ahead, Hillary Clinton digs into her past – IOTW Report

With New York primary ahead, Hillary Clinton digs into her past

Boston.com -SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) — There was the old story about Corning, New York and the diesel buses. The one about the “soap lady” who built her business online with help from Hillary Clinton’s Senate office. And don’t forget about the wine ice cream, discovered by the former New York senator and now sold across the globe.

Most campaigns focus on the future. But when Clinton kicked off her effort to win over upstate New York, her sights were set squarely on the past.

On Friday, she set off on a nostalgia-fused tour of her greatest economic hits, part of an effort by her campaign to highlight her congressional record as she prepares for a drag-out fight in her home state against Sen. Bernie Sanders.

“When I think about the great honor I had of representing New York for eight years in the Senate, I want to put all that experience all that work on behalf of New York and America,”


hillary laughing

7 Comments on With New York primary ahead, Hillary Clinton digs into her past

  1. She could hold clear title to the most murders committed by a politician, and yet still alive and not behind bars, nor even tried in court……sad testimonial to this piece of shit Hilldabeast…

  2. hillary is looking to the past and knows she didn’t learn or gain by her mistakes. Oh yes, corruption made her rich, but she left bodies and failure strewn about her.

    The future hillary promises is more monumental mistakes, corruption and failure.

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