With over 96% of the adult population fully vaccinated and 70+% boosted, Australia has just set a new record for COVID deaths – IOTW Report

With over 96% of the adult population fully vaccinated and 70+% boosted, Australia has just set a new record for COVID deaths

The vax does nothing except boost your chances of dying from vax side effects.

The percentage of people who crow about how the vax saved their life by mitigating the effects of catching the virus is about the same percentage of people before the vax was ever introduced.


22 Comments on With over 96% of the adult population fully vaccinated and 70+% boosted, Australia has just set a new record for COVID deaths

  1. In the King County area (Seattle, Bellevue, etc.), the message is so lame. “Get your booster(s) so that it will keep you from becoming *seriously* ill if Covid strikes.” Long gone are is the message that it will prevent Covid or prevent you from infecting others.

    If there are still people around here getting booster stabs, I am utterly mystified as to why, except that they are amazingly stupid to do so.

    I try not to appear smug when asked if I’ve been “vaccinated.”

  2. The third time I caught The Rona my friend gave me Ivermectin in horse paste form that came in a plastic gun. That miracle drug knocked that fever sombitch out in less than an hour! I just got SOAKED.

  3. Pfizer is still throwing money into ads, how great it is to be vaccinated.
    There still needs to be class action lawsuits against all, employers, hospitals, doctors, Fauci, NIH, WHO,……..

  4. “The vax does nothing except boost your chances of dying”

    I do feel smug when asked if I got jabbed, I simply way NO, HELL NO. Those of us who didn’t succumb to their fear mongering know that our decision paid off. What a burden those who got jabbed are carrying around.

  5. @Cmn¢¢guy: Lawsuits for injury and death are not allowed for the experimental jab. That was first brought out when Operation Warp Speed was introduced. Voluntary they said. Some who got fired for not getting the jab are suing and winning. Those who are injured tough luck.

  6. Get the coof and die.
    Election stolen.
    Kids no longer educated.
    Economy shut down.
    Horse wormer disinformation will kill you, not save you.
    Get the vaccine and totally prevent the coof.
    Out of control currency printing.
    Get the vaccine or lose your livelihood and probably your life.
    Get boosted.
    We never said the vaccine would prevent the coof.
    No definition of woman, it’s whatever you want it to be.
    Trust the science, the vaccine will prevent serious infection.
    Vaccine works so well, Pfizer makes oral treatments to help the vaccinated.
    Get boosted again.
    Horse wormer actually helps.
    Vaccinated get more coof than unvaccinated.
    I’m so thankful for my vaccine and mild coof symptoms, otherwise I’d be dead.
    Unvaccinated have milder symptoms than vaccinated.
    Get boosted again.
    A few false flags to pass gun laws, restrict unvaccinated ability to fight back.
    Unvaccinated should be reinstated with back pay.
    Vaccinated die more than unvaccinated.
    !@#$ rRrRREEEE Orange menace Drumpf says dRiNk BlEaCH. DO IT.
    Vaccinated continue to wish death on unvaccinated and restrict their right to a livelihood in favor of a failed vaccine.
    Drug companies get rich beyond their wildest dreams and politicians keep up mandates to line pockets for their own personal gain.
    Inflation so bad, economy falls into a recession that’s not a recession.
    The whole time the left loves drugs, alcohol, and trans LGBTQUI2S+ “rights” to ruin families, and promotes abortion to prevent you from having a family. War on family amped up to 11.
    Coof wearing thin, next crises are inflation and climate that needs a $700B+ bill passed to push thru a green agenda that is dubbed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 that has nothing to do with reducing inflation, but the complete opposite.

    What a wild couple years. This is not how to run a society. Failed leadership run amuck, everything based on self inflicted made up crises. Politicians no longer pretend to fight for freedom, rather restrict freedom in trade for imaginary safety, for the sole purpose of enriching themselves.

  7. Goldenfoxx
    The pharmaceutical companies may be exempt, but there has been a lot of liars in between. At least some of them had to knowingly prescribe it, knowing it was detrimental.

  8. I think that this might be the first week I haven’t heard a “get your booster” ad on iHeartRadio/Alexa while I’m listening to Clay&Buck. There’s one where it’s obviously a black lady who is resistant to getting the vax so she prays on it at church-and decided after that it was a good choice.🙄

    Seattle people are idiots. I was out last week during our heat wave having lunch outside at a mall. It’s 92+ A thirtysomething mom walks by double masked with her two kids, 8-10 year olds-also masked-wearing N95 masks! That’s child abuse!

  9. I see many people who say that you don’t get as sick if you have been vaxed, but I have yet to see anyone present evidence of that.

    During my recent cardiac event, I was asked if I had been vaxed. I said that if you gave me a choice between being vaxed or being shot, I would say “Go ahead and shoot me.” One of the firefighters who had responded chuckled. Then again, this is Texas.

  10. Big pharma is still going to be liable because they knew what they were doing and it was wrong. They never completed the trials, they discontinued the animal trials because all the animals died and they did a bait and switch on the actual one that was approved.
    They ain’t getting off, sooner or later.

  11. @ Millie
    I’m not sure why he’s endorsing this still? But then I’m not a robot like a Demacrap. I can see for myself the damage it’s doing.
    If you want to blame someone let’s start with the people that made it then approved it and sold.
    Should of been a red flag right off the bat for being so-called free.
    Safe and effective it is not, we’ve been lied to from the start on the effectiveness and it being safe.


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