With Science Catching Up To Ghoulish Pro-Abortionists They Admit It’s Killing But Don’t Really Care – IOTW Report

With Science Catching Up To Ghoulish Pro-Abortionists They Admit It’s Killing But Don’t Really Care

The anti- “forced birthing” crowd admit abortion is murder but really don’t care. They want a dispensation on murder because… because…

God chose women to be the custodians of the miracle of life and supplied them with the heart, resolve, emotion, strength and goodness in order to be entrusted with this most noble human task.

What happened?

24 Comments on With Science Catching Up To Ghoulish Pro-Abortionists They Admit It’s Killing But Don’t Really Care

  1. It occurs to me that we ought to advocate at the least for laws that require abortions to be done in a manner that does not inflict pain or suffering on the unborn. (After all, aren’t the leftists concerned about this?) I don’t understand why this has not been tried. I suspect that it would help turn some of the argument.

  2. So, according to this limey bint, we can simply designate all muzzieslime as gestators and rid the West of all limey (or any other) progressives at any age. After listening to her, it might seem like a decent trade-off. Then the rest of us can go ahead and start our game of Cowboys and Muslimes without interference from the now departed commie socialists.

    Go 5/30 Plan

  3. “I am not interested in where a human life starts”
    Then you’re also not interested in where human life ends.
    Which also means that you are advocating for long-term, post-birth, abortion (i.e., legalized murder).
    Are you volunteering to be the next legalized post-birth abortion?

  4. Seattle Times editorial
    My abortion story is very common

    I find myself battling the fear that my abortion may not be seen as legitimate as one that occurred because of rape and incest. But abortions resulting from rape account for just 1% of abortions; and incest leads to only .5% of abortions. Of course the people in those situations deserve the right to end their pregnancies. But they are not the only ones who deserve such rights. Anyone who does not want to be pregnant has an equal right to a safe and legal termination of a pregnancy.

    In my case, I was a pregnant woman who wanted control of her life and body back. I had never planned on being in this situation and had been shocked when my method of birth control failed. My pregnancy made me feel trapped and desperate and vulnerable. These words are an understatement. My pregnancy made my suddenly bloated, swelling body feel like a runaway train I could not stop. It threatened my education, my career and my earning potential. It threatened my dreams.

    Read more here:


  5. “God chose women to be the custodians of the miracle of life and supplied them with the heart, resolve, emotion, strength and goodness in order to be entrusted with this most noble human task.

    What happened?” -BFH

    In a nutshell:

    Genesis 3;
    Genesis 6;
    Genesis 11.

  6. @ Odin 2013 JUNE 10, 2019 AT 1:41 PM

    Demonic possession – and I don’t post that to be facetious. Over the weekend I was in the vicinity of a death cult collective freakfest and demonic possession is by far the most likely explanation for what I was witnessing.

  7. There must be millions of pro-abortionists that are angry, sad, mad or disappointed that they were not aborted. I suggest that we pay Planned Parenthood a small fee to offer them the chance to
    atone for their mother’s error of omission of not aborting them by allowing them to off themselves in a real-life abortion setting!

  8. What happened? Parents stopped parenting and started raising kids who are entitled, selfish brats who think any and every mistake should easily be fixed along with not teaching right from wrong and that humans are on the same level as animals. Now we have these selfish brats who care more about the life of an animal than they do the life of a human, even if it is their flesh and blood, kill it and the mistake is gone.

  9. So a baby is violent against the pregnant woman? The “gestator”. WTF?? This demon, this woman, this thing in the video needs to be removed from the populace and lobotomized. I don’t care where her rights begin. I can play this game, too. Pure evil. Right in our faces.

  10. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. Rom 1:28 ESV

    I used to think I would never witness this state of human existence.
    That it was only something that happened before I was born, and so terrible future generations would make certain it would not be repeated. However, as in the past many immoral acts can be made legal but not moral and ethical.

  11. They’ve kept in mind Stalin’s infamous statement on murder: One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.

    The more murders they commit, the better they feel.

  12. There is no good feminism vs. bad feminism. Feminism is evil at its core and has always had the objective to destroy children before and after bith in order to control populations – a direct link to socialism and communism.


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