Without a hint of self-awareness, ANTIFA complains that it took too long for police to respond to their call – IOTW Report

Without a hint of self-awareness, ANTIFA complains that it took too long for police to respond to their call

These are the same phukknuckles that hate the police, call them corrupt and racist, refuse to let them build jails, cause civil unrest, block emergency vehicles with their human chains, etc.

Oregon Live

Cider Riot near Northeast Couch Street and Eighth Avenue was hosting a post-May Day rally gathering with live music when the far-right groups arrived. According to patrons of the business, about 60 people were at Cider Riot when about 20 far-right protesters showed up. Several patrons said Joey Gibson, founder of the far-right group Patriot Prayer, was at the scene.

“I was sleeping, and I heard the noise and woke up,” he said. “I see bottles being shattered, people screaming obscenities.” A news release from Portland police said some 60 people were involved in the clash.

Goldman-Armstrong said employees called Portland police, but officers did not arrive until about 20 minutes after the fight had ended. He chastised them for not showing up to defuse the fight, and Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler for his handling of far-right groups.

“They didn’t respond when it happened, and they left us hung out to dry, and to be assaulted by these thugs who don’t even live here,” he said. ”Members of a known hate group are allowed to assault people. I’m very upset with Ted Wheeler for not doing anything.”


16 Comments on Without a hint of self-awareness, ANTIFA complains that it took too long for police to respond to their call

  1. Here’s the headline from The Oregonian:

    Scores of antifa, far-right group members clash outside NE Portland bar

    Hmmm… so there were participants that I had assumed fall outside what people generally accept as representative of the mainstream right facing off against antifa who I had always assumed were fairly representative of mainstream leftists. It is refreshing that O-Live has validated my assumptions.

  2. Out of curiosity, does anyone make an anti bear/pepper spray mask you can carry around with you all the time the way you could, say, a surgical mask?

    If not, someone should. I wouldn’t mind having one with me at all times.

  3. How glorious. The Seattle PD are equal crime enablers. Good luck hipster beta male. Should the Alfa males figure out that the Seatle PD’s response time, or lack thereof, was not a fluke it would be time to invest in colostomy bags.

    I just hope it gets caught on video so we can watch it time and again.

  4. What’s with the pepper spray sissy boy crap?
    Did you tough guys forget how to break noses?
    Like a bunch of school girls spraying hair spray at each other.


    You don’t need a leader, or group, or instructions. You know what to do with Antifa, it’s just most don’t have the courage to do it.

  6. MARK

    when the thug Mario and his “Goons at the Gate” were kickin the shit out of America lovers; I did break a jaw or 2. The fine GWB folk at Berkley gave me 2 days “free room + board”!

    And the room + board was worth nothing, but free!


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