Without telling me your gender, tell me your gender – IOTW Report

Without telling me your gender, tell me your gender

This was a game started by Julia@Jules31415

This is how it’s played:

-I enjoy the Three Stooges.

-I have close to 100 pair of shoes

-I always say the winners score first. For example, Red Sox won 5-4.

-I don’t need to stop for directions.

-A part of my body was the sole source of nutrition for my girls at the beginning of their lives. Then I went down 2 cups sizes.

-What’s for dinner?

-I have been known to drink directly from the orange juice container.

-Previous Dutch oven Hostage.

82 Comments on Without telling me your gender, tell me your gender

  1. “Clank, clank”
    And yes, despite stereotypes, I DO stop and ask for directions when/if lost while driving.

  2. I can shop for clothes in less than 15 minutes.

    I know what I want to order after reading the menu for 5 minutes.

    I think a day where nothing dramatic happens is a good day.

    If I’m in a room full of idiots who state something idiotic is true, I still think they’re wrong.

  3. I regularly wear Black makeup.
    I never pay for anything out of pocket.
    They still have not found my brothers body after the avalanche.
    I believe ALL women except the reporter I groped who “experienced it Differently.”

  4. I don’t ask for directions from men.

    They just look at me funny and send me in the wrong direction just like I would do to them.

    (the true reason we don’t ask for directions )

  5. I like to shoot guns.
    I have field dressed deer and butchered them.
    My first car was a ’68 Cougar XR7 w/ a 302 Boss.
    I made epoxy countertops that look like concrete.
    I used to bumper jump in the winter and ride bumpers through the woods in summer.
    I played pond hockey.
    I buy cigars and can cook just about anything but can’t sew a button on straight.

  6. I saw that episode of Andy Griffith show too Uncle Al where Gomer was dating a some what large young lady and made that comment.

    Buster Keaton , The Marx Brothers, The Three Stooges and Don Rickles are my entertainment heroes. Wearing a shirt and a pair of pants for more than one day is no big deal as long as my better 2/3 doesn’t catch me.

  7. @beachmom –
    “…I like to shoot guns.
    I have field dressed deer and butchered them.
    My first car was a ’68 Cougar XR7 w/ a 302 Boss.
    I made epoxy countertops that look like concrete.
    I used to bumper jump in the winter and ride bumpers through the woods in summer.
    I played pond hockey.
    I buy cigars and can cook just about anything but can’t sew a button on straight…”

    OMG – I’m in love….that is, if you really are of the gender that a “Mom” would be considered.

    Good Lord I can’t believe that I’ve been reduced to parsing and defining words, whose meaning, have historically been self-evident.

    Oh how I hate proglibtards.

  8. I own at least a dozen tape rules, and another 10, or so, plumber’s rules… and I can’t find any of them!

    Funny story, Rich asked for a ruler and I handed him my old telco ruler. He popped it open one side and saw 72 inches, turned it over and popped out a leaf and saw 72 inches, turned it over again and saw 72 inches… and dashed it on the floor in a fury. “What the fuck kind of ruler doesn’t start at zero!”

    We laughed… but Rich was not a mechanical cat.


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