“Woke” black racists are now turning on each other – IOTW Report

“Woke” black racists are now turning on each other

Revolver: We are delighted to report that “woke” black racists are now turning on each other in a dramatic and public fashion. What’s even more noteworthy is that most of the discord is being directed at one of the leading race-hustlers in the business: Ibram X. Kendi — a man who was actually born Ibram Henry Rogers. more

11 Comments on “Woke” black racists are now turning on each other

  1. You Don’t say? Every donation to any “Black” organization is an automatic grift.

    Here’s a question for you, how many blacks donate to other blacks? They know the grift. 99% of donations to race hustling black supremists is from whitey.

    But Wakanda where there us no need for charity…

  2. It’d be a shame if Kendi’s institute were to shut down. Not because society would be injured but because of the chance that the evil might be released to contaminate other centers of learning. Better to keep it concentrated and bottled up in obscurity.

  3. “Ibram Kendi, BU Center for Antiracist Research Founding Director, Wins 2021 MacArthur “Genius” Grant…The $625,000 no-strings-attached fellowship honors his exceptional creativity, scholarly achievements, gift for communicating his antiracist work and ideas with diverse audiences, and promise for further benefiting society.”

    I hope that money is already blown, and if not, will be consumed by lawyers soon.

  4. Black race-baiting thugs running into the ground social justice organizations. That’s great! Proves the criminal nature of these crooks. Still, it doesn’t seem to matter that eventually they get caught committing fraud with no consequences – leftist black privilege.
    Also, an example of digital age flim flam grifting. Getting funds at lightening speed and “organizer” spending it as fast as it arrives in their bank accounts.
    What remains the same, like a pack of wolves, grifters fight among themselves for their “cut”. Proverbial saying is true, there is no honor among thieves.


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