Woke Restaurant Adds 15% To Bill Because “Studies Show” RACISM! – IOTW Report

Woke Restaurant Adds 15% To Bill Because “Studies Show” RACISM!

Broder’s Pasta Bar in Minneapolis claims there is a “study” that says whites get bigger tips.

They don’t link to any study.

Why would I ever go to a restaurant that thinks white people are racist? They’re probably spitting in my food.

Furthermore, where are the books showing that the excise tax is going where they claim it is going? Not that I care one way or the other, I would never eat there, but, it sounds to me like this place is pocketing money by exploiting white guilt.

BTW, I have ZERO white guilt. None.


The restaurant, Broders’ Pasta Bar, published an entire page on their website explaining the new policy titled “WHAT IS THE BENEFITS & EQUITY CHARGE?”

“2020 was a time of introspection for us as it was for so many of our neighbors. In response to the racial injustice protests throughout our community and the (many) closures we experienced because of COVID, we spent some time reimagining the economics of our business with the goal of providing fair pay across our company,” the website reads.

“One result of this effort was the creation of a ‘Benefits & Equity’ charge of 15 percent that is added to all guest checks.”

According to Broders’, the funds accumulated from this new racism tax will be redirected toward paying employees wages, paid time off, insurance and various employee assistance program.

“Industry studies have found gender bias in tipping and that Black or Brown servers receive less tip income than their White counterparts,” Broders’ claims on their website.


50 Comments on Woke Restaurant Adds 15% To Bill Because “Studies Show” RACISM!

  1. I worked in a family owned Taiwanese place for my first job, with waitresses of every imaginable size, shape, and hue (I started young and was there a long time), as well as both my sisters worked in a restaurant for THEIR first job, as did my son, as did his girlfriend.

    Unless the service is REALLY bad or insufficiently explained (we once had a waitress quit AFTER taking our, and other people’s orders and the restaurant was slow to figure that out), I will overtip.

    Out of empathy. You know, like human beings have for each other.

    And that’s irrespective of color.

    But it will be MORE if you try hard. Especially if I plan to come back.

    And I’m very, very White.

    Stick THAT in your study. Sideways, if it’ll fit.

    Use a hammer if it wont…

  2. Our favorite restaurant is suffering from inability to get and retain kitchen help so they have had to shorten hours and sadly reduce capacity to 25% which is worse then anytime in the last year so we just tipped 25%+ since our server has no tables. I would have done that for any color server. I wouldn’t spend a dime at a place that I know assumes I am a racist.

  3. Maybe whites get better tips because they realize by and large they are there to provide good service, not they they were doing you a favor by being there.

    Although, to be honest, I often get poor service from hot looking women as well. They act as if it is below them to do a good job.

  4. …OTOH, I remember getting an extra tax for eating in a restaurant in Memphis because it was in a “Tourism Development Zone” centered on Graceland, a 5% surcharge specific to Graceland and Graceland associated buildings, specifically for work and infrastructure for those buildings.


    I did not have a problem with that since they were very open and upfront about it, I was there with the family for the specific purpose of touring the Temple of Tacky, it was (sort of) clear where the money went, it had to go through the entire legislative process, and was applied equally to everyone on the sole basis of being in the Graceland campus.

    That’s fine.

    But if you’re just gonna make crap up based on nothing and spring it on me when I sit down to order (from your doubtlessly surly POC waitress who you’ve told beforehand that I am a racist based on nothing but my skin color, so I can’t be surprised if she treats me as such), then I’m just gonna pick my White ass up and spend my White dead Presidents somewhere else, which helps you and your wait staff NOT AT ALL.

    …so congrats on your idea to combat racism by racially stereotyping me as a racist. Maybe I’ll be over to purchase one of your empty refrigerators at your foreclosure sale, but you can be SURE I won’t be there for anything ELSE…

  5. …my wife’s cousin and her husband are complete dicks at a restaurant. She will run the wait staff ragged, make them reheat everything because it’s never hot enough for her, and tip not at all. We’ve gotten to where we don’t eat out with them at all unless it’s a special occasion and we’re paying, and we plan to overtip at such times in apology.

    Yes, they are White.

    But they are also very equal. They do this to wait staff of EVERY color and gender.

    It’s NOT BECAUSE they are White, tho.

    It’s because they’re assholes.

    …and that knows NO skin color…

  6. After nearly 30 years in the restaurant business:
    • Men tip better than women
    • Men or women on a business trip tip the best
    • A group of women doing lunch tip poorly
    • Black folks do tip worse than white folks
    • Prom night is the worst
    • Saturday night is the best for tips
    • The after-church crowd is generally awful for tips

    During the years I was a server, I occasionally paid another server to take a table. Some are easy to predict.

  7. @aleon June 27, 2021 at 2:49 pm

    “…What most fail to realize is that the vast majority of Minneapolis and area residents will flock to this restaurant just for that reason…”

    You get what you deserve. It won’t work in my town, I can tell you that!

  8. Next thing you know, they are going to blame their lagging sales on racism. They’re right. It’s THEIR racism however, not the customer’s. They will have the finger pointing in the wrong direction.

  9. When your business is failing, the first thing you should always do is alienate most of your potential customers so you can go broke.
    Leftist thinking at it’s finest.

  10. I thought the common knowledge was that black patrons do not tip well. Also, this sounds like a business forcing patrons to help pay for their employee costs. You have to be as simple as the day is long to patronize this establishment

  11. Hey business owners I agree to pay, if I come there, what charges you list for your goods and services, so therefore you should pay your employees out of that fund and not add additional expected percentages to my bill total!

  12. “According to Broders’, the funds accumulated from this new racism tax will be redirected toward paying employees wages, paid time off, insurance and various employee assistance program…”

    In other words, this is a scam to boost the restaurant owners’ profits, and is not going to increase servers’ pay.

    This is yet another leftist scam to glom more money.

  13. I’ll never forget it. I was waiting tables in a restaurant in Alexandria Virginia in the 70s when the chain introduced an all you can eat rib special. All you can eat. Fixed price. I was slinging ribs for no tips for a month. I also had a special apron that said, ‘have I got a bone for you’.

    Or something. I don’t recall exactly.

    It was terrible. Simply terrible. Black folk snapping Dey fingers. Boy. More ribs.

    I have experienced racism. Directed at me. Many times.
    Including high school in Reno. There are many bigoted and cruel black people.

    Not all of them. But a high preponderance of them.

    Way too many have chips on their shoulders.

  14. I need to clarify something. My comment was a bit of a bunderbluss blast.

    I have many many wonderful and normal and American black folk. You would be happy to invite them into your homes.

    But I have met the snarling and angry types that would be happy to slit your throats for your lack of melanin in your skin.

    I’ve had experiences where I was being friendly and had someone threaten me the razor in their shoe

    I am conflicted.

  15. Kcir – Gain of Function Biological CCP Weapon
    JUNE 27, 2021 AT 2:21 PM
    “Bigger Tits get Bigger Tips.”

    …I find that’s less a factor the older I get. There was a time many years ago that I gladly paid for the privilege of stuffing dollar bills in bras and didn’t even get food for it, but nowadays I don’t really care what the waitress looks like (beyond relatively clean) because I’m there for FOOD.

    …so unless she’s lactating, those boobs do not serve that purpose and would just get me in trouble with the Mrs. if she thought I was looking anyway, so go point those at the kitchen so you can walk there to get my sammich, and save the coquetory for a young man who’s nutz still run his brains, ’cause it’s lost on my old eyes anyway…

    (Side note: I wouldn’t personally be interested in the end product if she WERE lactating, either. First, that would be SUPER pervy and gross even as a coffee creamer, and I don’t drink coffee anyway: second, even for an actual baby, you realize how dicey the concept of a wet nurse would be if you’d turn to the part of a PDR where it says how many drugs are excreted in mother’s milk, and realize that many diseases are transmissible that way too, so on the whole you wouldn’t want a random woman using her breast even for their God-given purpose of feeding a child, if it’s YOUR child. I’m just relating the weak link between bewbs on a waitress and how they may relate to thoughts of the ostensible purpose of going to a restaurant, which is EATING, and on the whole I’d just as soon they brought automats back and thus avoid the whole tangled biological mess AND save both server and servee the annoyance of having to have unwanted contact with each other, but that’s just curmudgeonly me…)

  16. Restaurants in San Francisco were tacking on an additional 15% to pay for their worker’s medical insurance. I consider that the tip, pissed off the waiter.

  17. Oh please. They just wanted to raise the prices and this was the only bullshit excuse they came up with.

    BTW, if your service sucks, you get less of a tip from me.
    As a matter of fact, if I have to grab waitstaff that wasn’t in charge of the bank of tables I am sitting in that wasn’t hers (or his), THAT person gets the tip. Not the person who was assigned to my table and couldn’t remember to bring me my diet coke after I asked 3 times. It wasn’t even crowded that day, FFS.

    And for the record, I’m half black, I tip, and I don’t GAF what color is serving my food. But, I do GAF if you can’t handle your job and that will result in a just as shitty tip.
    No guilt here. At all.

  18. Toenex
    JUNE 27, 2021 AT 8:11 PM
    “@ PHenry
    Is that a razor in your shoe or you just happy to see me?”

    …or maybe a Jim Croce reference…

    “Now Leroy he a gambler
    And he like his fancy clothes
    And he like to wave his diamond rings
    Under everybody’s nose

    He got a custom Continental
    He got an Eldorado too
    He got a 32 gun in his pocket full a fun
    He got a razor in his shoe”
    Jim Croce, “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown”


  19. Do I look at skin color??

    Yes I do but only because it is perfectly natural, not any different than seeing different colored cars running up and down the road.

    Do I treat colored people….differently??

    Absolutely NOT, my attitude is directly relevant to their attitude.

    With me, it has always been; they set the tone of our discourse….regardless of color.

  20. I’m an exception to the rule. A black conservative woman who tips wait staff generously, if the service is good to excellent.
    I would never go to a “woke” restaurant. Especially, a restaurant with socialist and racist policies that cheat their staff and customers.

  21. 99th S-L, I appreciate your honesty.
    This topic makes for some unpleasant conversation.
    It is such a damn shame we can’t put race behind us as a society.
    No white person I know wants to only associate with white folks.
    That said, I don’t want to spend a minute with anyone, white or black liberals who hate me for being white.

  22. My son’s worked in restaurants when they were younger. They said the only people who tipped worse than black folks were Jehovah’s Witnesses and Pentecostals.

  23. If we made a mistake and/or you have not damaged the part, if you have a receipt that is not over a week old we’ll give you a complete exchange for another part. If you made a mistake, the part is still unused/new and we don’t have the correct part you are charged a restocking fee of 10% not including shipping. If you argue with us and insult us for a problem you caused yourself We add a 10% nusance charge. If you continue to argue and insult you don’t get anything. You also don’t get anything if you bought the wrong part, tried to use it and mamaged it because of your dumbness. It really does depend on your attitude and civility. Oh, I forgot to mention. All our employees are armed and we have high quality Color Video cameras that record everything you do and everything you say. All notified to our customers when they enter the store and all completely legal. Funny, we rarely have problems and when they occur they are very quickly and legally resolved.


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