Woke Schooling: A Toolkit for Concerned Parents – IOTW Report

Woke Schooling: A Toolkit for Concerned Parents

Manhattan Institute
June 17, 2021. EducationPre K-12
Critical Race Theory


Something peculiar is spreading throughout America’s schools. A public school system just outside the nation’s capital spent $20,000 to be lectured about making their schools less racist.[1]At a tony New York City prep school, a teacher was publicly denounced by the administration for questioning the idea that students should identify themselves in terms of their racial identity.[2] Educators in California are locked in pitched combat over a statewide model curriculum overflowing with terms like “hxrstories” and “cisheteropatriarchy.”[3]

“Kids are very aggressive now in their views, and pushing kids to other views,” one New York parent said of his child’s school, adding that “if you’re not with us, you’re against us, and you’re the problem.”[4] “They are making my son feel like a racist because of the pigmentation of his skin,” one mother said of her son’s experience at a Los Angeles–area prep school.[5] Teachers in North Carolina’s Wake County Public School System, facing this kind of pushback, were told to ignore it as a sign of “white parents” finding it “hard to let go of power [and] privilege.”[6]

If you’re reading this guide, perhaps something similar is happening in your child’s school. Perhaps the school has issued an “antiracism statement” denouncing itself as racist or white supremacist. Perhaps it has required parents and students to attend training on “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Perhaps such discussion is leaking into your child’s classes—not just in history or English but math and science. Perhaps your children have come home talking about how their whiteness, or blackness, or Asian-ness, or Hispanic-ness, really defines who they are, not their individual personality, hopes, and dreams. more here

4 Comments on Woke Schooling: A Toolkit for Concerned Parents

  1. Humans are the ONLY species on Earth that teaches it’s offspring to HATE. We are descending to the point that the “animals” of the world will have dominion over Us.

  2. The foundation for CRT was the Black Liberation Theology that was aggressively taught in black churches decades ago. I remember some of my black co-workers arguing back in the 90’s that it was impossible for blacks to be racist because blacks had no power. I never failed to let them know how wrong their BS was. I knew two black pastors who taught their flocks the communist ideas of BLT and I knew we’d be in trouble some day. That day is now!


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