Wokeness is a ‘contagion’ which is ‘taking over’ the West – IOTW Report

Wokeness is a ‘contagion’ which is ‘taking over’ the West


ACU Senior Research Fellow Dr Kevin Donnelly says wokeness is a “contagion” which is taking over mainly Western nations. “There are many reasons why it’s so pervasive,” Dr Donnelly told Sky News host Peta Credlin. “It goes back to education in particular.” WATCH

14 Comments on Wokeness is a ‘contagion’ which is ‘taking over’ the West

  1. I said mental illness is contagious. Why does one think the Third Reich came to pass..? It’s an institution. The incentive is intimidation or else. Sound familiar..?

    Nothing is more foolish than repeating a lie…

  2. Boy, or girl.. Paper, or plastic..Gay or lesbian..Binary, and maybe even uni-binary, fuck that inquiry the way things are headed make me weary…

    Don’t put it passed these progressive clowns to convince the TV viewers bi-polar disorder is something to be circularized in public schools.

  3. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

    Isaiah 5:20

  4. Everything man can do he has done before, so when someone espouses “woke” philosophy to you ask them to show you when and where in history it has worked and what the result was like.

    Don’t expect a cogent answer, but at least put them on the beginning of the path to thoughtful consideration by asking the question.

  5. “Woke” is the Left’s substitute for a genuine, Godly, spritual awakening. Get it? “Woke”? It’s how governments (run by global elitists) make people into “true believers” and “followers” of their phony religion. Just look at the yard signs: “In This House We Believe That…Black Lives Matter, Science is Real, Love Conquers Hate, etc. etc. etc.” You’ve all seen those placards on lawns and in windows. “Woke” has a way different messiah.

  6. …if you belong to a church or if you’re looking for a church home, ask the pastor if his church is involved in a prayer effort aimed at a renewal in your town/city. Thousands of churches across America have joined forces to pray for renewal and awakening in the places they serve. Obviously it starts with the body of Christ getting its own act together, and that is happening.

  7. We need to quit tiptoeing around what’s actually going here. The problem is NOT “wokeness” or “political correctness”. The problem is COMUNISM pure and simple. As long as we use other terms to describe what is happening, we diminish the actual problem.

  8. OldCoot hit the nail on the head. Communism is “woking” overtime to destroy Western civilization and doing so with the helping hand of Satan.


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