Woman barks at police dog, gets recognized by police – IOTW Report

Woman barks at police dog, gets recognized by police


Twenty-year-old Kiana Champagne Fletcher stood outside her home in the 1900 block of Elmwood Avenue late Monday barking at a police dog that was sniffing a car during a traffic stop, according to police reports.

Her barking drew the officers’ attention, which worked against her.

Officers at the scene recognized Fletcher and knew she was wanted on a warrant — actually two warrants, according to the police reports and jail records.

But when officers approached her, she ran inside and hid in her house, according to police.

When the search warrant arrived, officers arrested Kiana Fletcher on the warrant. But they also found drugs inside the house…


ht/ fdr in hell

16 Comments on Woman barks at police dog, gets recognized by police

  1. First glance I thought this was another “before and after” make-up posts …
    imagine my surprise!

    What’s the old saying? “Run with the Big Dogs or stay on the Porch?”
    She stayed on the porch but couldn’t refrain from yipping.
    Lap dog, no doubt.

    izlamo delenda est …


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