Woman Beaten For Wearing American Flag Shirt – IOTW Report

Woman Beaten For Wearing American Flag Shirt


A warrant has been issued for a man accused of severely beating a woman for wearing an American flag shirt.

Paul Peter Jal, 23, was charged Tuesday in Blue Earth County Court with felony counts of 2nd-degree assault with a dangerous weapon, 3rd-degree assault – substantial bodily harm, and threats of violence.

According to a criminal complaint:

Mankato police were called at 4:15 a.m. Tuesday to an open line 911 call with a screaming female, a male voice, and thumping sounds.

Police arrived to find a woman with a face so swollen that officers couldn’t see her eyes.  The victim was also bleeding from the nose and her entire body was soaking wet.  Police saw water, broken plastic, and several cracked cell phones on the floor.

The victim told officers Jal attacked her because he was upset she was wearing a shirt with the American flag on it.  Jal allegedly choked the victim and punched her, then ripped a towel rack out of the wall and stabbed the victim with it.  Police say the victim had a puncture wound.

Jal is also accused of threatening to kill the woman and telling her she would die.


29 Comments on Woman Beaten For Wearing American Flag Shirt

  1. @The Democrats, they will certainly spout that. That is why they should all move to New Wakanda, which is on the dark side of the moon. They will have to design and manufacture their own space suits (we can’t have ANY cultural appropriation), and figure how to shit, piss, and eat on the moon (we can’t have ANY cultural appropriation).

    And they have to figure out how to launch and land their Good Ship The MLK Wakanda, or whatever they want to call it…

  2. That booking photo is awesome. He’s got that glazed expression and asymmetrical facial features that tells me he was probably somebody’s drug or alcohol baby. And five bucks says that the woman he assaulted ends up taking him back.

  3. You can trace this shit back to the obama years.
    That Kenyan cocksucker started us down this road to perdition.
    He needs to rot in hell.
    I’m totally cool expressing that on this solemnest of evenings because he is the anti-Christ sent directly from hell.

  4. Jal, likely South Sudanese, though he looks Somali. Another refugee successfully integrated into American society.

    The “lost boys” that came here from the refugee camps of South Sudan were some of the most violent in my kids’ junior high school. Nearly all of them quickly settled into violent criminal gangs.

    One of them was killed in a hail of police bullets in the local 7-11 parking lot. He was carrying a modified AR15 pistol. He got off one magazine and the police peppered him with at least 10 magazines. He shot wild. They didn’t, for the most part. Police here don’t take kindly to being shot at. It sounded like the finale of a July 4th fireworks display.

  5. “In the interests of public safety, it is recommended that residents create a welcoming, inclusive environment by refraining from displaying symbols or accoutrements which could evoke feelings of exclusion and anger in recent migrants.”

  6. But he wouldn’t leave the country he hates. Too many taxpayer funded freebies for him.
    Another “if he were white…” story that won’t see the main stream propaganda.

  7. JDHasty
    I wasn’t going to go as far as a 45 leak, but just make sure that he couldn’t see that hated symbol of America…..or anything else.

  8. The best Africa has to offer …

    So many good things come out of that benighted continent – AIDS, MonkeyPox, Mad Cow Disease, Ebola, Obola, Flesh-Eating Fungus, and this Piece of Shit.

    Why are we importing these maggots?
    We facilitate our own demise! This is insanity.
    Move over England and France; we’re comin through!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Obama years my ass.

    In 1960 I was 10 years old and got off the street tram in Philly a little too soon. Within 5 minutes I was being chased down the street by a horde of blacks throwing rocks and bottles at me.

    My Italian family there, rather then taking out after them as I thought they would, scolded me for going into the black’s neighborhood. Obama wasn’t even born yet.

  10. That poor young man is a creation of an unjust, racist American society. The triggering white devil woman should have to pay him reparations and be made to clean his crib.

  11. Well for that matter Obama the black albino and the white privilege white trash Joe Biden should be beaten within an inch of their vulgar lives since they have also (falsely) wore an American flag pin.

  12. unfortunate. be totally different story if the woman was transgender. i wonder if our leaders find black trumps transgender? do blacks embrace transgender? i guess all those ED commercials about black people are true.

  13. I don’t think it’s about the shirt at all. We all know that. Any reason, even NO reason will do. Always be vigilant and alert and don’t even let anyone suspicious get within 12ft of you!

  14. Doesn’t matter what they do to one another. As long as they keep it between themselves it isn’t any concern. Enjoy. Just keep it among yourselves and away from the people.


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