Woman Claims She Saw Supervisor of Elections Employees Filling Out Ballots – IOTW Report

Woman Claims She Saw Supervisor of Elections Employees Filling Out Ballots


A temporary worker for the Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office in Florida has alleged in a sworn affidavit obtained by Newsmax that she was fired this week after witnessing possible absentee ballot fraud by office workers.

But the State Attorney’s Office concluded Friday that the workers were duplicating ballots by hand from damaged originals faxed by military personnel and that “there is nothing improper or illegal about the conduct” under state law.

Through the locked door’s window, she saw four workers sitting at a table in the room with “stacks of documents and writing something,” according to the affidavit.

She knocked on the door — and an SOE worker opened the door, took the stack from her “and closed the door,” she alleged. “The employee seemed very rushed.”

When the former employee returned a short time later with a second stack, the woman was allowed into the room.

“I could see the four SOE employees sitting at the same table actively filling out election ballots,” she said in the affidavit. Each worker “had a stack of blank ballots to the right of them … and a stack of completed ballots to their left.”

Every completed stack contained “perhaps a dozen” ballots, she claimed.

The four workers also were “using the same black pens … that the SOE supplies to voters at polling places.

“I was then told to leave the room by one of the employees at the table,” she said in the affidavit.

“The witnesses’ recollection was that all of the documents on the table were the same size,” he said. “The affidavit says that all of the documents were the same size.

“The explanation that they were creating duplicates from faxes, and that the faxes were on different-sized papers, does not comport with what this person saw.

“What Dr. Snipes says does not seem to match what is contained in the affidavit,” Nichols told Newsmax, “but, again, that’s up to the State Attorney’s office to figure out.”


15 Comments on Woman Claims She Saw Supervisor of Elections Employees Filling Out Ballots

  1. The best possible outcome we can expect is that Snipes goes to jail. The results of the tampered-with vote count will not change, because it is impossible to tell how many ballots were falsified or tampered with. Once again, the dems will succeed in cheating. Now that Sessions is out of the way, hopefully his replacement will get the elections cleaned up before 2020.

  2. I hope she turned off her phone, borrowed a friend’s car, drove a couple of hours making random turns, then checked into a motel and paid cash.

    edit: dang. I keep doing that. careless. Uncle Al

  3. Is this the outbreak of CIVIL WAH!?!?!?!

    Seems like a totes legit pretext…. toss my state on that bonfire too so we have a bi-coastal pretext…..

    C’mon, it seems totally legit. Washington went apesh!t over taxes.
    The English weren’t stuffing ballot boxes.

    This is a direct assault on the one deal that gives our entire nation its legitimacy. Voting. If we don’t have that, the hell do we actually have?

    I’m up for it. It’s chilly out and I so rarely get to dress in layers anymore.


  4. Everyone is in a frenzy to elect blacks into offices to prove they’re not bigots, and everywhere the blacks go the corruption follows.
    Oh I know, “that’s racist” but it’s the truth.

  5. “You know, in a way, I’m glad the Dems now own the house. They are going to go balls-to-the-wall proving how fucked up they are.”

    …unfortunately, @Fritz The Cat, they had ALL the crazy on display for 2 years ALREADY, and what few ACTUAL voters they have either didn’t care or agreed with it.

    Also, dead people, illegal aliens, terrorists foreign and domestic, and rigged voting machines don’t care HOW crazy they are, so no help THERE…

    So, nice thought, but won’t help. The only thing that WILL help is to use the 1860 therapy we needed to deploy the LAST time Democrats wanted to keep their slaves…

  6. Here in Leon County, they scan the Florida driver license and you get to see the machine count your vote before leaving. It is heavily left wing and is responsible for Andrew being mayor, but the elections themselves appear to be legit.

  7. ““What Dr. Snipes says does not seem to match what is contained in the affidavit,” Nichols told Newsmax, “but, again,………….”

    Well, case closed! She is such an upstanding, righteous citizen…oops, never mind call in the election fraud squad and get her out of office before she further destroys ballots!

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