Woman Claims She Was Served a Dog Paw at Chinese Restaurant – IOTW Report

Woman Claims She Was Served a Dog Paw at Chinese Restaurant

Just in time for lunch, C. Steven Tucker, the bastid, sends me this.

So, naturally, I’m going to subject you to the horror.

29 Comments on Woman Claims She Was Served a Dog Paw at Chinese Restaurant

  1. if she does’t want dog paw in her meal she should have asked for only white meat in her meal.

    it’s not hard people
    one from column a and one from column b.

    if she doesn’t like dog paw in her chow mein she’s not going to like the cat lo mein.

  2. Two friends went for lunch at a Chinese restaurant. Both of the men ordered Chinese ribs and as the waiter was leaving one of the men said, “no dog paws please”! When the waiter returned with the orders he asked “O.k., which one of you didn’t want dog meat!

  3. Aw, man, I didn’t need to see this. I have 12 dog paws sleeping next to me, along with the sweet bodies they are attached to. I don’t understand anyone that could eat dog. But there are a lot of things I don’t understand lately. Sigh.

  4. Looks like cartilage to me and is common om ribs. The restaurant will have ample grounds to sue and own her ass.
    The health dept has confirmed no dog meat at the restaurant with tests forth coming of what the video poster provided.

    If this happened to me I would not be placing a video to go viral but contacting the health dept and probably my vet to know what it was.

    Decades ago while digging an asparagus patch we found bones big enough to be human. The Jeffrey Dahmer house and grounds were being combed for victims’ remains at the time. It’s not far from us and Dahmer couldn’t remember where he ditched some of his victims other than rural areas.
    We also knew this had been a working farm and our vegetable garden was in a former cow pasture.

    Not wanting a media circus or to look like jackasses we contacted our vet who examine the bones, had them tested and confirmed they were cow bones.
    This woman may very well have destroyed this business and these people.

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