Woman Cuts Off a Bus, Bus Driver Gets Mad, The Situation Escalates – IOTW Report

Woman Cuts Off a Bus, Bus Driver Gets Mad, The Situation Escalates

It’s Trump’s fault, obviously.

ht/ all too much

32 Comments on Woman Cuts Off a Bus, Bus Driver Gets Mad, The Situation Escalates

  1. @BFH – Just idle thoughts about words, here. “Escalate” means “To increase or develop by successive stages.” This was more a “quantum jump” meaning an instantaneous transition from normal to freakin’ crazier than a rabid shit-house rat.

  2. Nasty piece of work.The female Jigs
    are the worst.70k Audi all ready had
    numerous dings & dents.What F******! gives
    these filthy savages the right to beat,burn
    and destroy other people property and then
    just get away with it ???

  3. Assault with a “dangerous” weapon?! Man, they sure are splitting legal hairs in D.C. aren’t they? Something they probably had to come up with in order to keep everyone out of jail forever.

  4. I managed fast food restaurants in and around that area for over a decade. They need to rename the road, Obama Blvd to give the civilized folks not from around there a heads up not to venture in.

  5. On a side note,the driver could
    have been run over and ground up
    like road kill.Should have locked down
    the bus and made sure the passengers were safe.
    The bus company has insurance.

  6. Charges were whittled down for this hood rat because the system just locks too many of them up unfairly. By the time it’s said and done it’ll be a $10.00 fine for a broken tail light and that’ll be waived.


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