“Woman” Cyclist Speaks – IOTW Report

“Woman” Cyclist Speaks

This is a travesty for women.

Notice it is Martina Navratilova tweeting that this is a joke.

16 Comments on “Woman” Cyclist Speaks

  1. These trans dudes are basically saying that you women just aren’t doing a good enough job being ‘women’ and guys can do it better than you! Oh, yeah, and we guys just faster and better athletes than you, too. Neener, neener.

    What kind of sick fucks would need to do that? I’ve never me one but if I do, I predict a sudden, visceral urge to decapitate him.

  2. I need to proof read, too. My fingers don’t always strike bottom and complete the character. It’s getting worse with age. And I used to type 100+ words per minute wioth haraasdfly anmy efrrrors!

  3. “Male Pro Womens”. Is that Legit? Is this the end result of participation trophies? This is a freaken war on my favorite sex. Women. All Athletes need to band together and stop competing until they back up on this bull shit. Fuck em.

  4. Why are wimmin athletes not loudly protesting this? And then refusing to participate? Do any of these ladies understand what Title IX says? For some reason they are participating in the destruction of their opportunity to be successful athletes. They are saying, “these sick men deserve a chance at glory, it does not matter if it takes away my chance as a women to be successful. It’s his right to stick it it to wimmin for HIS satisfaction”! These wimmin are as sick as the men!

  5. If an “XY” chromosome competes with an XX chromosome cut off their balls and go for it… Bet the perverts won’t last one lap with their ‘junk’ missing. To be fair to the women, make the perverts wait 2 years to be eligible after they are castrated. Just like we did pigs in FFA…. Anyone here participate in FFA ?? If not, we cut off pig balls and wiped then down with kerosene. They only squealed for a short time. Really seems fitting for the locker room….

  6. They are making a mockery of women and sadly only a few of us women give two cents about it. Although they’re taking their mockery of men up as well, now instead of just claiming all of you men have too much masculinity and that is bad, women are pretending to be you, to try and kill off masculinity for good.
    A mockery of your children as well, must turn them evil too.

    God is not going to save us, until we start saving ourselves by fighting this evil with everything we got. It’s time to start screaming from the rooftops that this is enough, homosexuals and all of these other perverts will not be accepted, they can either turn away from their evil ways or they will be cast out of society. Stop the stupidity that is a lie, “love the sinner, hate the sin.” No call out the sin for what is, pure evil. Those who practice it are evil, they can turn away and ask for forgiveness and be forgiven, but they can’t practice evil and be accepted.

  7. Someone accused me earlier of having the comment of the day. I did not. This is the comment of the day.
    “God is not going to save us, until we start saving ourselves”

  8. I think these guys posing as women are out for attention. Competing against other males they’ll always be ‘also rans’ – good enough to compete but not good enough to win. They’ll never get any press coverage as males. As women they can bask in their 15 minutes of fame.

  9. “God is not going to save us, until we start saving ourselves”

    Or put another way, God is watching all this insanity saying;
    “Hey, if you don’t care, I don’t care… but there is a breaking point!”

  10. A more honest answer from him would be, “I suck at competing against other men so I put on some earrings, called myself a woman and now I finally have a medal.”

  11. Women are tacitly complicit in this travesty.

    Why? Who knows? Don’t wish to “offend” the perverts? Don’t want to go against the “grain?” Afraid the media might savage them?

    But female athletes will accept this abuse and offensiveness by these perverts with hardly a whimper. Similar to the abused wife who always returns to the bastard who beats her. I don’t get it.

    One must be confident and self-assured to excel at athletics – so why are these female athletes such shrinking violets where these perverts are concerned?
    Again – I don’t get it.
    They allow their sport to be corrupted and perverted.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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