KFI: Lately, parents-to-be seem to be trying to top one another with the uniqueness of their gender reveals. No more are the reveals popping a balloon or hitting a ball, now it’s more like a Rube Goldberg machine or, in the case of one expectant mother, a fart. Paige Ginn posted the video of the reveal on Twitter and it shows her laying on the floor in front of blue and pink balloons as she pushes gas out of her bare bottom. When it comes, it brings with it a cloud of blue powder and the camera pans over to three female spectators cheering in excitement. Go watch, if you must
31 Comments on Woman Farts To Reveal Gender Of Baby
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I’m using all the resources I can just so they don’t have any.
Judging by the way things are going, 10 years from now the name Air Biscuit won’t be too out of place on the school roster…
Watch Idiocracy. You will understand.
She clearly does not look far enough along to be able to tell the gender yet but this is 2019. Mom wants a boy, so she will make it a boy.
The kid will grow up to identify as a Bronx Cheer.
Classy. Is she from Florida? No, not gonna watch.
Maybe she wasn’t pregnant after all, she just got ahold of a few bad burrito’s.
I bet Obama farts
s too.
Ask Big Mike what’s invisible and smells like banana’s?
Hint: It’s why at the end of 2016 the White House draperies were torn down and burned.
You can take the trash out of the trailer . . .
…wouldn’t queefing it out be more appropriate?
Just when I thought that America had slipped to the bottom of the toilet bowl, this proves we’re not quite there yet.
ugh. Is there no decorum anymore?
Old age has taught me to never trust a fart.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
Fcuk you, it all goes away!
The kombucha mushroom people, sitting around all day!
WHO can believe you?
WHO can believe you?
Let your mother pray!
Answerman Cooper
NOVEMBER 15, 2019 AT 7:41 AM
“Old age has taught me to never trust a fart.”
…well and truly said, Sir, well and truly said…
…her control suggests that Hubby’s not a fan of driving up the old tan track, anyway.
…one time, there were two homosexuals seated in a bar next to a hetro construction worker. Not paying any attention to them, the construction worker lets out a loud fart.
This inspires one homo to turn to the other and excitedly declare, “He’s a VIRGIN”!
that got me uhh kinda excited!
eny time I was sittin in the orval orfice Barry wood walk by and fart in my face.
He an reggie would laff like hyennas!
I’d say: Damm Barry – that smells like reggies dick! an thyed laff even louder!
never got those gyes …………
Classy she ain’t.
Ok, in a sudden epiphany, I am pro-abortion.
how does this even make it into the news cycle?
It reminds me of the old kid’s ditty, Gene, Gene made a machine, Joe, Joe made it go, Art, Art let out a loud fart and blew the whole damned thing apart. And I thought farts left trails of green vapor and not blue.
Farts are cute, farts are fun, farts are shit without the mess.
Joey Biden NOVEMBER 15, 2019 AT 8:17 AM
“…eny time I was sittin in the orval orfice Barry wood walk by and fart in my face.
He an reggie would laff like hyennas!
I’d say: Damm Barry – that smells like reggies dick!”
…reminds me of a story about a Washington-area bar while Hillary was SOS.
…it is said that, one day, Hillary was drinking (heavily) with her favorite (marital) aide Huma, when a man walked in, sat down at the bar, and started giving Huma the “eye”. Hillary noticed this and got more and more offended (as liberals do), and with the aid of modern technology and grossed-out Secret Service agents, managed to raise her considerable bulk onto her doughy cankles, and sloshed over to the man.
He was understandably concered about this oderiforous mound of flesh approaching, but as Hillary and, more importantly, Huma were smiling widely at him, he waited to see what would develop. Perhaps he’d be getting lucky after all!
…Once Hillary used the remote control to stop the hidden cart that trundled her over there and her loose flesh stopped swingning from the momentum of her transit enough to allow speech, she said to him, “Hi, Tiger! I notice you’ve been looking at my girl over there!”, and lifts her arm flab sufficently to gesture vaugely towards Huma, who’s waves towards them.
…nothing daunted, he say, “well, yeah, she’s a lovely lady, and I’d be thrilled to hook up with her!”
Hillary smiled wider than ever, and said, “How about if I let you smell her pussy?”
Our hero considered this, and figuring it would lead to other things, said, “Hell YES, I’d LOVE to!”.
…so Hillary opened wide and blew her foul breath in his face, and shrieked “THERE YOU GO!”
She cackled madly as he fell to the floor in a poisoned stupor, overhwelmed by miasma of gin, the blood of innocents, and the stench of years of corruption that drove out all oxygen and every OTHER good thing, but his expiring thought was that there WAS a fish smell to it too, like that of a young, unwashed beaver from desert sands far away…
No shame whatsoever. This woman has no concern her behavior is depraved. Pornographic – nothing cute about it. These gender reveals are revealing how society/culture has lost civilty and decency.
I know you print these stories so we can all laugh at how dumb people really are, but dangnabit, every time they get publicity it just further encourages this crap. Please stop. If not for your readers , then for the children.pawnshopguy
“… but his expiring thought was that there WAS a fish smell to it too, like that of a young, unwashed beaver from desert sands far away…”
Thus died Bill Clinton …
izlamo delenda est …
Didn’t watch it. But was she rashida tlaib?
NOVEMBER 15, 2019 AT 12:06 PM
“… but his expiring thought was that there WAS a fish smell to it too, like that of a young, unwashed beaver from desert sands far away…”
“Thus died Bill Clinton …”
izlamo delenda est …
…I applaud you, Sir, a well done twist indeed, Shyamalan should learn from you…
My honest to goodness reaction reading this headline was to shout, “WHAT THE HELL!?”
Motherhood is apparently not so sacred anymore. I can’t image what kind of trashy person would think that this was clever… -_-
In my day, gender (sex) was revealed on the day of birth…
No show needed.