Woman gets 15 months prison for encouraging boyfriend’s suicide – IOTW Report

Woman gets 15 months prison for encouraging boyfriend’s suicide

Aug. 3 (UPI) — A judge on Thursday handed down a 15-month prison sentence to a Massachusetts woman convicted of involuntary manslaughter for sending a barrage of text messages that led to her boyfriend’s suicide.



Michelle Carter, now 20, also received a 15-month suspended sentence for the death of 18-year-old Conrad Roy III in 2014. Judge Lawrence Moniz allowed Carter to remain free while she appeals the case.

Carter was convicted June 16 in Bristol Juvenile Court in a case that could have broad implications for how prosecutors and judges address criminal intent in the age of instant communication and ubiquitous social media engagement.

Carter was 17 when she sent Roy a barrage of text messages and phone calls encouraging him to follow through on threats he had made to kill himself. When police found Roy’s lifeless body in the cab of a pickup filled with carbon dioxide in a Kmart parking lot, it was initially treated as a suicide.  read more

34 Comments on Woman gets 15 months prison for encouraging boyfriend’s suicide

  1. Sociopath. Disgusting to read her actual texts to this poor kid, nagging him, ORDERING him to commit suicide as they “agreed”.

    She should have been convicted of Murder.

    I nominate her to be the next victim of a Sharia abduction/gang rape/torture murder squad.

    Any dissent?

  2. Yeah, I’m going to go against the grain on this. To quote Bobby Jones: “I’ve consulted the law on that, sir, and you don’t actually have to go (to hell).”

    As miserable a human being as she is, she didn’t put him in the cab of his truck. Fifteen months in prison should alter her outlook IF her parents and others around her don’t let her get away with acting the victim, though.

  3. Here’s an interesting question brought out by the linked article: So, if this girl was found guilty of manslaughter because she encouraged the boy to end it all, why aren’t doctors and other counselors brought up on the same charges for helping people end their lives under assisted suicide statutes. I see no material difference, not even the presence of terminal illness. We’re all, technically, terminal.

  4. @Rufus — hahahah! It’s a trend now for women to go for the Groucho Marx eyebrows. Hers is not a great job, but it made me think she was not expecting the outcome of the trial — since she took extra pains to look good for the cameras.

  5. No No No, This was coercion plain and simple. She’s the devil herself. (reasonably sure the devil is a woman). Who encourages another person to kill themselves?

  6. Nice try linking this to doctor assisted suicide. As deplorable as it is to have medical professionals helping to end lives, this evil intentioned little witch is a criminal with a future of incarceration. If she is free it will be tough for her to get a date.

  7. The girl was mean and despicable but the fact remains – she didn’t pull the trigger, so to speak. This is a 1A issue, pure and simple, and is a road we shouldn’t be going down. She walks and bears the responsibility for her actions with society in general and her future interactions with same. You know, good old-fashioned stigmatization and shame. This could soon be the road to jail time for saying anything that drives somebody to butthurt or suicide. There could come a point where you may not even need to know the person. BFH, your last article got me so far down I’m checking out. AA, BB, MJA and the rest of alphagang agreed in the comments and you’ll all be hearing from my county DA when I’m gone. A case? Maybe – now there is precedent – but it’ll cost you to defend and that will chill things a bit. Mean girl walks.

  8. Thanks pbird. I am amazed that I continue to let the media mislead me. My husband turns on the national news and I usually leave the room but got sucked in by this story. Good to get a more honest perspective

  9. How does everyone not think that this is a 1a issue. Is she a horrible human being, yes. Did she commit a crime,no. She didn’t make that kid kill himself he made his own decisions. I think someone in that kids family should make her disappear but you set a whole new precedent taking away someone’s first amendment rights. Next well bee like England with hate talk crimes just for having an opinion, slippery slope

  10. Thanks pbird for linking the article. There is much more to this case. Will follow it at breggin.com After reading Breggins article I am thinking this could be a witch hunt used to cover up medical malpractice involving the use of antidepressants on young people.

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