Woman Gets Shot at Rap Concert, Sues NYPD for Asking Questions – IOTW Report

Woman Gets Shot at Rap Concert, Sues NYPD for Asking Questions

Politistick […]  Maggie Carrie Heckstall, a Bronx-born model and exotic dancer recently attended a rap show featuring rapper T.I. As she sat in a crowded VIP room, a crazed gunman opened fire and shot her in the leg.

Now, Heckstall is mad—not at the gunman, but at the NYPD for daring to press the witness for answers.


10 Comments on Woman Gets Shot at Rap Concert, Sues NYPD for Asking Questions

  1. Medium height
    Medium build
    Swarthy complexion
    Squashed nose
    Kinky dark hair
    Full lips
    Big fuckin gun

    “Round up the usual suspects – and book em, Dano!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. With a bum leg it’s gonna be tough to shake and bake on the dance pole. Maybe she can hobble down the hall of the hospital and have patients stuff her thong with dollar bills.

  3. Okay, so you won’t cooperate with the police officers’ attempts to identify the shooter who almost killed YOU, did kill someone else, and is presumably still on the loose?

    Way to go, dumbass. Not that I would expect a genius-level IQ from an exotic dancer (i.e. stripper) dating a rap singer.

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