Woman gives cashier great advice on mask wearing – cut a hole in it so it’s easier to breathe. Not kidding. – IOTW Report

Woman gives cashier great advice on mask wearing – cut a hole in it so it’s easier to breathe. Not kidding.

21 Comments on Woman gives cashier great advice on mask wearing – cut a hole in it so it’s easier to breathe. Not kidding.

  1. Could be a new movement. We could all do this just to make fun of the sheeps,lol

    I ain’t gonna wear a mask, however. . .wearing one with the dummy hole in it would drive the enemy nuts. What could they do? Their stinkin’ rules probably don’t specify ‘no holes’.
    You can get anything you want at alice’s restaurant

    And friends, somewhere in Washington enshrined in some little folder, is a
    Study in black and white of my fingerprints. And the only reason I’m
    Singing you this song now is cause you may know somebody in a similar
    Situation, or you may be in a similar situation, and if your in a
    Situation like that there’s only one thing you can do and that’s walk into
    The shrink wherever you are, just walk in say “Shrink, You can get
    Anything you want, at Alice’s restaurant. “. And walk out. You know, if
    One person, just one person does it they may think he’s really sick and
    They won’t take him. And if two people, two people do it, in harmony,
    They may think they’re both faggots and they won’t take either of them.
    And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in
    Singin a bar of Alice’s Restaurant and walking out. They may think it’s an
    Organization. And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day, I said
    Fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice’s Restaurant and
    Walking out. And friends they may thinks it’s a movement.

  2. A better idea is just cut a long horizontal slot in the middle of a mask, if forced to wear one. BTW, they can be clastrophobic. The Nazi left won’t immediately notice that you’re defying their mandate and you don’t look like an idiot, yet still defiant. You can get your shopping done in peace without drawing the attention of store security.
    On the other hand, when protesting in a group (sometimes there’s safety in numbers) cut out a large section in a mask to make the statement you hate being forced to wearing it.

  3. How about a red mask with MAGA written on the front? What are they going to do…rip it off you? Would make the Lefty viewers hyperventilate and would be a well deserved figurative eyepoke.

  4. It’s starting to become a fashion statement at work. I’m sick of the damn things. Half the idiot’s mask aren’t skin tight, some falling off their faces when they talk, and even color coordinating them to their clothing. Thanks for nothing you stupid ass virus.

  5. Regarding mandatory mask wearing..

    1. The CDC says it’s a voluntary measure. can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure.

    2. The CDC says if you have difficulty breathing or any respiratory problems, you should not wear a mask. should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

    #2 is the same thing as cutting a hole in it with the possibility to get past glancing nazis who require it.

    Trump masks available here

  6. And wouldn’t condoms be more comfortable if the damn things were cut off near the top? Yea, that’s a good idea.

    And those damn rubber gloves; much better dexterity if you cut the fingers off!
    Go, go, go.

  7. The vaunted N95 mask only masks to 300 nm.
    A virus is generally about 30 nm in diameter.
    (not secret stuff, by the way)

    Thus – 10 viruses, side-by-side and arm-in-arm, could traverse an N95 void.
    What virtue, do you imagine, does a dust mask from Harbor Freight have?
    (no reflection on Harbor Freight)

    This is all feel-good, see!-we’re-all-in-this-together, placebo-bullshit – similar to the “scrap metal drives” of the Second World War.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Thus: her advice is no dumber than the one suggesting wearing a mask.

    She could draw a mask on her face and be just as protected.

    Masks stop spit, snot, and dust – not airborne viruses.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Tim, plus those that are infected and wearing the mask. Nothing helps spread the virus more than an infected person sneezing in a mask, keeping the virus alive by breathing moist air on it and touching the mask and everything else all day long. Most people can not stop touching the mask, it’s an irritant that makes people touch it. An open air sneeze would dissipate faster. This, I believe, is why case counts in Illinois for example have accelerated since mask wearing became a thing a few weeks ago, pushed by Toilet Boy who single handedly takes credit for saving countless lives.

  10. Long ago, in a world far different than the one we now inhabit, a fellow I knew would cut a small hole in his dust mask so he could smoke a cigarette while wearing the mask. Even longer ago, if you can imagine it, wearing dust masks was considered the mark of a pussy on the job site. But we’re going back to the days when men had two balls to go with the dick, unlike today.

  11. We’ve considered Bat Man masks while wearing our Re-elect that Mother F*cker Ted Nugget hats when we go out. No one talks about the actual harm masks do, causing self induced hypercapnia when you breathe in your expelled Carbon Dioxide instead of fresh oxygen for extended periods of time particularly these moronic cities requiring masks outside while exercising.

  12. Yesterday, while grocery shopping I heard an unmistakable sound . I actually said out loud “Is Darth Vader in the store”? A clerk started laughing and said “Someone came in the store wearing a Darth Vader Mask and another employee got on the PA and started breathing.
    It sounded like the real thing! So funny!

  13. otoh, there are a lot of holes in the covid-19 requirements being imposed by several governors and mayors across the country that are equally as useless as a face mask with a hole cut in it.


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