Woman Has Picture Used in “Shout Your Abortion” Story, She’s Pro-Life – IOTW Report

Woman Has Picture Used in “Shout Your Abortion” Story, She’s Pro-Life


Molly Schaap, the actual woman pictured, reached out to Canadian pro-life organization Choice42 after seeing her photo circulating on social media.

“My name is Molly. I am 24 and want to make it clear that I have never had an abortion. I was horrified to wake up yesterday and learn that a photo of me was stolen and used without my permission or knowledge on a post for “Shout Your Abortion,” a website that encourages women to share the stories of their abortions,” Schaap states.

Molly goes on to reveal she is actually very pro-life and has even donated to pro-life causes. Although she is troubled by what has happened, Molly is using this situation to send a message:

“Yes, the story, if it is true, is quite sad, but there is no excuse for making some of the crude and judgmental comments I have seen. While I strongly believe that abortion is taking a valued life, I would like to ask people to think about the effect that their words have and to choose their words carefully.

If Heather really exists, I want her to know that she has value and is loved despite the unfortunate life choices she has made. The Bible clearly teaches that God is a forgiving God. As a Christian, I strive to embody the love of Christ. Passing judgment helps no one.


18 Comments on Woman Has Picture Used in “Shout Your Abortion” Story, She’s Pro-Life

  1. This young lady is so correct. Exactly how many men and women would seek healing and help from christian counselors if they hear “unchristian” condemnatory rhetoric from people who profess christianity?

    Condemnthe act, but not the person. They also are children of God.

  2. “You know, if we can just convince the Democrats how much we love and respect them, like maybe by supporting all their schemes and hysteria, they’ll change their ways. Yes sir ree-eeee, sir. That’s the ticket!” says, and has said, every RINO ever. How’s that workin’ out fer ya?

  3. Another person recklessly smeared by the left. Sure, she can correct the record but only after the damage is done.
    Like being accused of something it always leaves a doubt in peoples minds.
    These people are just vicious.

  4. Discernment and judgement are used everyday, by every person.
    Those who selfishly murder a baby or babies made a conscious decision.

    I have no doubt that those who have murdered their baby can be forgiven and saved, but that is between the individual, God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus.

    Personally, I choose not to be around or associate with people who have NOT displayed any degree of moral strength during life and death decisions.

    I feel God alone has the ability to forgive such an atrocity. I am not worthy.

  5. At least it becomes easier to understand how the socialists/demonrats can approve and defend the savages of MS-13 and the mass murders of Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Castro, Ortega Bros., and the rest.

    Once you justify murdering innocents other murders become banal.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “Murder is not a forgivable sin.”

    Yes it is.

    The world is, for now, under grace. That means there is absolutely no sin that even the most depraved and wicked human can commit, which God did not already punish and put away at the bloodied cross of His Son. As God’s word says, Christ was made to be sin FOR us, and nothing any of us could possibly do was left out.

    The only issue remaining is whether the sinner believes and accepts that payment on his/her own behalf. That’s why salvation is now by grace through faith in what CHRIST did, never in our own works (what WE do, which can never, ever be enough).

    So in that sense, individual sins (even murder) won’t be what send someone to the Lake of Fire; rejecting the only payment God has provided for those sins will. The sins that are left on the unbeliever’s account will serve as the proof.

    PS The apostle Paul considered himself the chief of sinners, partly because he shared responsibility for the murder of many martyrs, including Stephen. Yet Paul is the model of forgiveness under grace for us all.

  7. Either she considers herself too unattractive to appear as herself, or some evil person who knows Molly set her up, or it’s simply a faked account that stole her photo to put a shiny happy face on child murder.

    As Molly says, “If Heather really exists…” Odds are, Heather doesn’t exist.

  8. if no lawsuit / retraction comes from this, well, then, molly is just a bot account run by the russians / dems / soros scums to try to sway you to the dank side.

    trust no bots / trust no one

  9. “Passing judgment helps no one.”
    Is she talking about the pro-lifers or the pro-aborters?
    Because if she’s talking about the pro-lifers being judgemental,
    then she shouldn’t be complaining about her picture being used.


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