Woman in country for 20 years with 3 anchor kids being deported – IOTW Report

Woman in country for 20 years with 3 anchor kids being deported

Click on Detroit just off-handedly provides the reader with a tidbit that would make any sane reader say, “that’s it. Deport her.”


An Ann Arbor mother of three is hoping she’ll be allowed to stay in the country as an undocumented immigrant who has lived in the United States since 1997.

Lourdes Bautista’s children were all born in the United States, and the federal government said she’ll be deported. More than 200 people, including Bautista’s friends and immigration activists, marched to bring attention to her case.

The government ordered Bautista’s deportation in 1998.

“She wasn’t aware she had an order of deportation for her case,” the interpreter said.

In the last 20 years, Bautista and her husband, whom federal officials deported in 2010, had three children, all of whom are U.S. citizens.

Attorneys have been appealing Bautista’s deportation order for the last six years, but U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents said she needs to leave by Aug. 2.

She said she desperately wants to stay.


Did you catch it? I know that you did.

For any progressive sh*tstains that happen to be reading this, the part where we have to lead you by the nose and rub your goofy face into the text is THE INTERPRETER SAID.


This load is in the country for 2 decades and has three “American” kids.

Either her IQ is 55, or she doesn’t quite G.A.S. about the country she is squatting in.

I say this with little sympathy and with no remorse, get her out of here. If her kids are heartbroken they can go too.

ht/ annie


28 Comments on Woman in country for 20 years with 3 anchor kids being deported

  1. Actually there is actually no such things an anchor baby. The actual statue says be born in this country AND be subject to the jurisdiction. They have the first part, but neglect the second. I am not a lawer but I am literate.

  2. You would think in 20 years she could have gotten Legal and Learned English. Why has her husband been Deported in 2010?
    I see Cash flowing back and forth for sure.Anyway this is a good start.

  3. She illegally entered this country, refuses to assimilate and could care less about any allegiance to the United States of America. We’re suppose to feel sorry for her because she’s being deported? I don’t think so, Tim.

  4. She speaks English perfectly well. The no inglese bullshit is just that, she’s been playing the system for decades. Deport her and if the kids are upset, they can be expats or denounce their citizenship and go live with her.

  5. Not so fast. She owes the US Taxpayer probably $900,000 in stolen welfare/WIC/Medicaid & 3 childbirths.

    She can pay back a token amount with 5 or 10 years hard manual labor.

    We can outsource running the Useless Eaters Remedial Work Camps to the Chicoms. They have a lot of experience with “motivating” the uncooperative.

  6. Think of the Shadow Illegal Imm Casts over Americans, they Brake the Law and steal $$$$$ Thousands of Dollars Tax free…and theres no Penalty ! There exists Compassion enstead of Outrage !
    This is the quick road to the Cliff, Hold on !

  7. “Either her IQ is 55 or she doesn’t quite G.A.S….” Hmmmmmm…. Listening to her slack jawed, mouth breathing spawn with the dull, uncomprehending eyes say that his mother hasn’t done anything wrong, I would go with the 55 IQ theory.

  8. If you or I disregarded an order of deportation from the Mexican gov’t, we’d be in jail. In Mexico. And if you or I had three kids while illegally living anywhere else on the planet, they wouldn’t automatically be citizens of the country we squatted in.

  9. She’s been harbored all these years in A2 by the pot smoking elite university toffs who pay her $7/hr to clean their historical homes on campus. Used to see it all the time growing up there….

  10. Met many like this in my years of travel staying in motels in Colorado. They have been here 20 years and still claim not to speak a lick of engrish. Not even enough English understanding to know what garbage and toilet mean. Pisses me off to no end this apparent lack of desire to better oneself. If I was dropped in China for 20 years I guarantee I would be fluent within 2 years and have working language knowledge in about 2 months.

    But as old oaks stated above they all probably spoke English, just liked to give the gringo’s the middle finger.

  11. My mom gave birth to 4 Americans, yet she’s not even a U.S. citizen. Her english isn’t very good either. We always speak French in the house, her places of work always spoke French, and we always go to French mass. Her english has gotten better since dad died and she can get by OK. The only real difference here is that she came and stays here LEGALLY.. first on a work visa and now 50 years later as a permanent resident.

    Mrs. Bautista should’ve gotten in line like my parents did. It’s not fair to blame conservatives for enforcing our laws. We’re not the ones who broke the law to begin with. Blame democrats for fostering this culture of lawlessness and sanctioning illegal immigration. They essentially dare illegals to cross the border while luring them with delusions of grandeur. They’re complicit in your demise. You should hold them accountable, not conservatives.

    Now there’s the door. Kindly get in line.

  12. I just want to add to Extirpates post. Actually, there is actually no such things an anchor baby. The actual statute says to be born in this country AND be subject to the jurisdiction. They have the first part but neglect the second. Babies born here of illegal aliens are not citizens of the United States b/c their illegal alien parents are subject to the jurisdiction of the Country they left. I realize this is difficult for our dumbed-down American People to understand. That was the whole purpose of public education – to create a people who know nothing and can’t think.

  13. I am all for deportation BUT with this nation embracing
    pot heads en-mass, just who am I supposed to hire to build buildings with my const. company? I buy a lot of
    equipment so looks like drug tests and lie detectors are next on the list. Would love to get back to AMERICA and put this Murica crap behind us.

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