Woman Kept Husband’s Body In Freezer Over Fears Doctors Wanted His Brain – IOTW Report

Woman Kept Husband’s Body In Freezer Over Fears Doctors Wanted His Brain

KFI: A Missouri woman is facing charges for allegedly keeping the remains of her husband in a freezer in her bedroom for nearly a year. Authorities searched the home of Barbara Watters after receiving a tip that her husband, Paul Barton,had died on December 30, 2018.

Watters was not home when officers served the search warrant. Inside her house, they found Barton’s body preserved in a freezer. Authorities eventually managed to track down Watters, and she was booked on a single charge of abandonment of a corpse.

Prior to Barton’s death, police made multiple wellness checks at their home. Watters would not let officers speak with her husband alone, and refused to let them inside the house. She even covered the windows with aluminum foil to prevent them from seeing inside. read more

19 Comments on Woman Kept Husband’s Body In Freezer Over Fears Doctors Wanted His Brain

  1. I look at it another way.
    Intrusive, prying, nanny state, always sticking their long noses where it’s not wanted.
    So what if the wife wanted to keep her husband in the deep freeze after he died, just to keep his body from being cut up by the quacks and witch doctors.
    Was she defrauding anyone, any bureaucracy, by hiding his death?
    Yes, she’s odd. Eccentric. Maybe even barmy. But how many people do you pass everyday, that walk among us, seemingly normal, except for that One. Little. Quirk……..? Yet they manage to function acceptably well enough to not be arrested or cause harm to others.

  2. A man and wife were lying in bed one night.
    She turned to him and asked. “If you could know how and when you were going to die, would you want to know?”
    He replied, “No”.
    She said, “OK, never mind”.


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