Woman Ordered to Take Down Pro-Trump Signs – IOTW Report

Woman Ordered to Take Down Pro-Trump Signs



A Rockland, Maine, woman says she would rather go to jail than take down her pro-Donald Trump signs.

Susan Reitman has hung two banners on her front gate: One that says “I love Trump” and another that says “He Won, Get over it.”

She received a notice from the city’s code enforcement office a few days ago, asking her to take them down.

“I was shocked,” she said. “This is my freedom of speech. People have a right to voice their opinion.”


The city says the signs can only be 2’x2′ and her’s are 3’x2′. She would need to apply for a permit.

Why do I get the sense that if these signs said “I love my gay son,” the city wouldn’t say $hit?

ht/ wisco dave


21 Comments on Woman Ordered to Take Down Pro-Trump Signs

  1. “They’re well over the limit,” Butler said.
    No you retard, they are 1/3 over some arbitrary, self-imposed limit.
    THIS is why I will never live someplace that tells me I cannot have a clothes line because my drawers drying sends snowflakes swirling.
    Anybody want to bet the complainer had no idea as to the size requirement, they just want speech quashed.
    Bueller, Bueller?

  2. So sick of these freaking out of state old and wannabe hippies who are control freaks and have no tolerance for anyone who actually thinks outside their tiny, narrow minded box.
    They are ruining Maine.
    The city I live in, South Portland has been name 100th best city to live in in the country. God help us! That is a clarion call to more dirty, busybody, control freak hippy socialists.

  3. ” Why do I get the sense that if these signs said “I love my gay son,” the city wouldn’t say $hit? ”

    This lady’s IQ is easily double that of any officeholder in Maine.

  4. D’Souza sez: “I’m not as fearful of the low-level, in-the-street antifa stooges as I am of the people who occupy positions of power and authority, like police chiefs, mayors, and school administrators.”

  5. @beachmom… I would be willing to bet that if you were to go to Monson, Dover-Foxcroft or anywhere in the interior those signs could be as big as you want. They beat the crap out of dirty hippie types out there.

  6. this is why I would never buy another condo or live in an HOA. Condo boards and HOA boards are where future fascists are born. They get on the board so they can stick it to their neighbor for some imaginary slight. But then they discover the narcotic attraction of POWER over others and a politician is spawned.

  7. Exactly,Mansfiled. HOAs are even worse.

    Every customer of mine that lives in one hates it. Mostly, it gives some loser power over others. Wouldn’t be surprised if it revenge from all the rejection in school.

    They can be THAT petty.

    I would never consider living in one. Nor buy a home with a zero lot line. Too close, baby.

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