Woman plastic-wraps home ahead of Hurricane Dorian – IOTW Report

Woman plastic-wraps home ahead of Hurricane Dorian

16 Comments on Woman plastic-wraps home ahead of Hurricane Dorian

  1. Duct tape won’t work. It loses its stick in the wet. 15 minutes of sideways rain and it’s all coming down.
    There is such a thing called “water-proof tape” that really does work, I’ve used it to hold together corrugated piping at a downspout before it goes in the ground. She should use that, at the very least.

  2. Might be a bad idea. When the air pressure drops outside, if the air pressure inside the house can’t equalize fast enough, the house could go BOOM.

    [that what my uncle said he was told destroyed homes that were to tightly sealed when he was in the USAF on Guam when it was hit by a typhoon with 2 eyes in mid 1960s]


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