Woman pulls down ads on subway that propagandizes homosexuality – IOTW Report

Woman pulls down ads on subway that propagandizes homosexuality

Watch her get hit with the full extent of the law, while the left gets wrist slaps, if that, for pulling down statues.

12 Comments on Woman pulls down ads on subway that propagandizes homosexuality

  1. The perversions that our society
    is willing to tolerate drift us ever closer to end of days.

    Today homosexuality is passe and transvestites are now considered normal, legalized pedophilia is not far behind in the next 20 years.

    NY is no different that Sodom and LA no different than Gomorrah.

    Demonrats are satanic perverts who embrace Lucifer. They are amoral, evil, sick, twisted and demonic deniers of Christ.

  2. I was walking around town the other day when I saw these two jerk-offs wearing matching outfits, I mean, down to the *belt* same outfits, so I yelled to over to them “Hey faggots did you plan that?”

    Anyways, they arrested me.

  3. I’m just saying, this should be a normal occurrence people tearing down the walls of propaganda. The only reason this is news is because the pearl clutches on the left will overreact and screech about “hate crimes!” I can already hear the clicking of their hooves on the keyboards.


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