Woman Runs Herself Over – IOTW Report

Woman Runs Herself Over

This was a tricky maneuver, but she managed to pull it off. I give her an 8.2 for the dismount. (Sorry. Too much olympics this week.)

22 Comments on Woman Runs Herself Over

  1. Was actually thinking about this kind of thing this morning.

    This would not have happened if the passenger of that car had not been so kind and helpful to point out the gas cap hanging,

    The reason I was thinking of it was because I had slowed down to let someone in in front of me about 9:30 this morn. Traffic was thick and real slow and I thought I was being kind, only wondering if someone behind me would be upset I slowed them down some more to let this on-ramp guy merge without a problem.

    The merger I let in was almost crushed my a semi from the other side also moving into the space I provided.

    If I had been more selfish, that moment would not have happened.

    I have seen many such instances where serious, you-could-die-from-this problems come up from people being too nice in traffic. Mine was one of them this morn.

    I get a little pissed when a driver is overly nice/cautious and either

    A.Stops in a merge lane “just to be extra safe” and let every one and their aunt go by until there is no traffic. “Just to be extra safe”. You’re going to get rear ended at some point if this is your habit.

    B. Same thing at a stop sign. Trying to be last, even when new traffic keeps coming up. “Just to be extra safe”. Confuses the hell out of normal drivers and creates doubt about what should happen next.

    C. Never going on a green turn signal if an arrow will come up at some point. “Just to be extra safe”. I see foreigners doing this the most.

    D. Stopping in a fast lane when something is happening on the side of a road or another lane. “Just to be extra safe” by not crossing traffic to get off the road – thinking everyone else knows what you’re doing or want to do – completely ignoring you’re STOPPING IN A FAST LANE! My wife did this one years ago and a driver came along looking at me on the side of the road and rear-ended her.

    If you have the right-of-way TAKE IT, or get off the road. Otherwise you are creating confusion with others drivers because they know you have the right-of-way and now don’t know what you are about to do. You are also occupying space that normal drivers expect to be clear of traffic when coming up behind it – creating a traffic problem where there would not be one except for the extra caution applied by a less experienced driver.

    Hesitation can be a killer when driving.

    One of the reasons I never drive without mt dash cam running. So I can prove what actually happened. That has been worth several thousand dollars to me so far. A fantastic investment for only @ $100. I advise everyone to use one.

  2. hey, you let women drive, they run over themselves.
    let women vote they run over themselves.
    it’s in their dna.

    wouldn’t have happened if she was in the kitchen making a sandwich.

  3. @Dadof4, when I first moved to MN, I noticed that drivers didn’t seem to know the difference between yield and merge. Drivers STOP in a merge lane (like you said) and speed up on a yield just to get ahead of you. Blue language from my mouth didn’t seem to make any difference.

    I gave up wondering what was wrong with Minnesota drivers when I witnessed a police officer on the merge lane STOP and wait for the traffic to clear. I’m not fibbing and he was not on the radio or waiting for speeders.

    I decided that if the cops didn’t know the difference between yield and merge, how could I expect the rest of the drivers to know.

  4. @ Dadof4, I have long observed that in traffic, no good deed goes unpunished 95% of the time. Let someone in front of you? It will turn out to be a half-wit who can’t get figure out how to get where they want to go. Or, like in your case, they’re looking to test the laws of physics. I nearly rear-ended someone last Sunday who was staying fully stopped at a green light, to let someone turn left across from them. I came up on them from a distance in a 50MPH zone, and that light had been green for a good 4-5 seconds.

    G-d love her, this woman was lucky.

  5. Yep – several years ago I slowed down to let someone in front of me in rush hour traffic who needed to get over to take the next exit. The moron behind me was talking on her cell phone and hit the back of my car. I don’t do that anymore. If you’re too stupid to get over in time to catch your exit before the last minute – it’s not going to become my problem.

  6. “Florida?”


    Put it on 480p, full screen and stop it when the recording car pulls up close after she stops. Pretty clear then.

    As someone who drives @ 30,000 miles per year in the Metroplex, I feel your frustration almost every day, Claudia. It’s kinda like dealing with babies that throw their food – it’s going to happen. No point in getting bent about it. Just wear your goggles at feeding time.

  7. RosalindJ & Gladys

    Yup. Every fricken day it’s something like that.

    Occasionally you do have to NOT take your right-of-way, because of these idiots.

    My son that’s a police officer clearly remembers one lesson from me long before he could drive. He saw me wait when it was my turn at a stop sign and as he was asking why I wasn’t going, a speeding car ran the stop sign right in front of us.

    I could see he was going too fast to stop and he showed no signs he was going to. “Keep your head up and expect others to screw up while driving. The cemetery is full of people who were right”.

    Experiential lessons are the best. I actually believe that’s why we’re here in the first place.

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