Woman shoots at burglars, killing one, during home invasion – IOTW Report

Woman shoots at burglars, killing one, during home invasion

Outstanding Job!!  It would have been perfect if she killed the other shatstains. Video is good. See below for link.


Startling security video shows a woman shooting at three men during a home burglary.

One suspect died, and police near Atlanta are looking for two home invasion suspects.

The men are considered to be armed and dangerous.

The video is unnerving as it shows the men walking around the home with guns drawn, looking for some cash, but that’s when the woman came out and started to fire her gun.”She exercised her right to defend her livelihood and property,” Cpl. Deon Washington, of the Gwinnett County Police Department, said.

“She exercised her right to defend her livelihood and property,” Cpl. Deon Washington, of the Gwinnett County Police Department, said.

The Gwinnett county woman can be seen rushing from her bedroom, unloading all her bullets on the three men who kicked in her front door.

It’s the dramatic, newly released video from around 4 a.m. Friday morning.

Police saying they came here for cash and met their match.

Operator: “Did they shoot you?
Victim: “Yeah, they shoot me.”

As they exchange fire with drywall debris clouding the dark home, one man runs through a glass door.

more with video

ht/ col. angus

27 Comments on Woman shoots at burglars, killing one, during home invasion

  1. We’ve had a rash of Home Invasion robberies around us. A couple Friday nights ago a total of 3. Four black guys from da hood. It’s happening all the time. I just had a 65 year old granny that’s never even held a gun drop in the shop that wanted our advice on where to go to buy a gun and get trained. Sad times when somebody that old feels they need to arm up.
    That shoot above was bad ass.

  2. Great job in a very stressful situation. @non-m, I don’t know that any more training would have given a better result as it appears the light in real-life was at a much lower level than the vid would suggest (note the glowing eyes – IR illumination? – and the brightness outside at 4am) and despite the target rich environment, I’m proud of the little gal for just the one KIA. Once the shooting starts, the targets start jinking and juking and hits become much more difficult to come by. Wild melee in the semi-dark with one down and two runners. Not bad, not bad at all.

  3. Bad_Brad
    Yep. I showed this to the wife and pointed out that my first instinct would have been to fire from concealment, which would not have been nearly as effective as what this lady did. By charging them she completely rattled them with a very sudden and maximally violent attack. It’s a point well taken.

  4. Now we need to juxtapose some snooty Brit asking why we feel the need to have a hi capacity firearm by us when we sleep. “What are you so afraid of? You’re insanely paranoid!”

  5. BTW My first impression is she was shooting with the lowly Hi-Point hand gun.

    Look how large that slide is. It’s enormous. Sign of a blowback operation.

    Maybe I’m wrong with my identification, but my point is a Hi one.

    If it fires – it can save your life. Don’t be a snob about guns. Hi-Points may be low end and not good for everyday carry due to their bulkiness, but they work. It may be all someone can afford. $200 or less and you win your life. Sounds like a winner to me.

  6. my old 9mm hi-point worked every time i used it. (Before the boat sank, that is.)

    Had to watch this multiple times. They were all bad ass and strutting until a armed chik shows up. Then they run like rabbits. ONe shithead even flips his hat back. And those glowing eyes LOL. And watching that other idiot run through the glass door, priceless. Which one of the 3 stooges died? Anyone know?

  7. I watched this several times this morn. Couldn’t stop myself. Think I will watch it each morn for a few days. Helps the mood by setting a high standard for the day. Makes me happy.

  8. I notice she shoots one-handed…. unusual for a woman — but her hand is strong and steady. (Notice that the thugs all enter the place with a two-hand hold as they case the home…)

    She needed more bullets. I need to think about that. Ah, I never thought I might, ever, need to unload all the bullets at once…. ….what should I buy…? ….Lady in Red

  9. Sorry to repeat myself but the line from True Grit comes to mind again. ” you go at a man hard enough and fast enough he don’t think about how many are with him, he thinks about himself and how he can get clear of that wrath about to set down on him”

  10. 5 shots. She emptied it but I sure would have thought to keep one while I dug up another – at em – “clip”

    great video though. I always keep a spare mag with my 45. A 40 cal would be better because of the extra rounds imo.

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