Woman Sneaks Ivermectin Into Hospital, Saves Husband’s Life – IOTW Report

Woman Sneaks Ivermectin Into Hospital, Saves Husband’s Life


An anonymous woman recently contacted Dr. Balbona regarding her husband who was hospitalized with COVID.

“The husband was very ill,”  Dr. Balbona told the Epoch Times. “He’s in his 50s, a big strong guy. She called me desperate because they [the hospital] gave him remdesivir and she made them stop it, and he started getting worse and worse. And his oxygen demand went up.”

Balbona told the woman he could care for her husband once she got him out of the hospital. He wrote her prescriptions for the meds she would need. She filled them out, snuck them into the hospital, and gave them to her husband. That was on Friday. By Tuesday he was well enough to be discharged from the hospital.

“The people who snuck in the ivermectin, they are scared to death,” Balbona stated. “She is sure that the government is going to find out who she is and possibly arrest her for giving medications not approved by the hospital.”

“I did it,” the anonymous woman told Dr. Balbona. “I knew it was wrong. I don’t know what the penalties are. What could they do to me?”

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) famously tried to shame people out of taking ivermectin, despite people using it successfully all over the world. They somehow missed that ivermectin is also made for humans.


23 Comments on Woman Sneaks Ivermectin Into Hospital, Saves Husband’s Life

  1. Every doctor, nurse, mayor, county commissioner, and on up to the POTUS who had a hand in this hoax for money when simple medications like ivermectin could have cured most should hang in public for the mass murders they have committed.

  2. The response to the “pandemic” has been genocide. Whatever the reason, accidentally or on purpose, genocide, nothing less. All of the people responsible for it need to, at the very least, go to jail for the rest of 5heir lives. Most should be put to death.

  3. “I did it,” the anonymous woman told Dr. Balbona. “I knew it was wrong. I don’t know what the penalties are. What could they do to me?”

    Imagine how intimidated by the system this poor woman is thinking that saving a sick person’s life was somehow “wrong” because she gave medications not approved by the hospital. It is the hospital that is wrong (actually evil) for refusing to give the actual “safe and effective” drug ivermectin to begin with.

    I truly hope all these people have to pay a serious price in this life for their evil, but I’m certain that they will pay the supreme price for it in the next life. I don’t think that YHVH is at all pleased with how evil the supposed “medical care” system has become, even to the point of intentionally killing the sick people that trusted them for help rather than harm.

  4. There is a big $$ incentive for hospitals and doctors to use the gov’t “protocol.” EVERYONE knows that Ivermectin is not only safe, but it’s cheap as aspirin and it’s effective. It’s been known since as early as April, 2020.

    The hospitals are engaged in murder for hire and they’re doing it as efficiently and as systematically as Germany did with their “showers”. Tell me I’m wrong.

    “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.” The CARES Act. Sounds so benevolent, doesn’t it?

    “Arbeit Macht Frei”

    Through the years since WWII, people the world over have pondered the mystery of how ordinarily “good” people could have been a party to genocide. Well, at least now we know one motivation for it.

  5. Great minds think alike. I’m on the same channel. No sense rolling over and dying. Be prepared. Self defense. Learn from the mistakes of others because you’ll never live long enough to make them all yourself!!!

  6. Any bets on how long before our crooked DOJ finds something to put her in jail for??? Biden will be on the phone as soon as someone tells him what she did. Washington worms.

  7. Bubba’s Brother JANUARY 27, 2022 AT 2:58 AM
    ““I did it,” the anonymous woman told Dr. Balbona. “I knew it was wrong. I don’t know what the penalties are. What could they do to me?”

    Imagine how intimidated by the system this poor woman is thinking that saving a sick person’s life was somehow “wrong” because she gave medications not approved by the hospital.”

    This happens all the time in hospitals, and not just over political diseases. The best way to improve the odds of your loved one surviving the experience is to stay with them and monitor their condition, and don’t be intimidated by white coats and large buildings when its time to act.

    When my son had his last major surgery for his cleft repair, the hospital’s postoperative ward made a very sincere effort to kill him, first with a nurse ignoring clear signs of anaphalaxis, then when cajoled into giving some Benedryl proved to not know how to grind pills for patients with compromised jaws, then dithering when he went into retractive breathing after vomiting the pill shards he couldn’t swallow and his O2 sat tanking on the telemitry because she was having problems getting hold of the on-call doc, I took things into my own hands and cranked his oxygen after dumping the humidifier and called the code my damn self since SHE wasn’t going go give him the Albuteral WHICH HE HAD A PRESCRIPTION FOR AND WAS RIGHT THERE ON THE DAMN CRASH CART.

    …sorry, makes me mad EVERY STINKING TIME I think about it, because this was SUPPOSED to be premier hospital for this sort of thing, world-class and all, and here they were letting my son die as you could CLEARLY SEE ON THE MONITORS THAT WERE REPEATED BY TELEMETRY TO THE NURSES’ STATION…

    …There I go again. Anyway, thing is, I’d been around hospitals and doctors enough to not be intimidated by my surroundings and by highfaloutin’ degrees, and had medical training enough to know how to keep patients alive in the most basic of ways, so I reverted to type and errored on the side of life. If the hosptial had me arrested or took me to court or whatever, so be it. I would have burned them up one side and down the other in front of a judge if that’s what they wanted. The Judge I was NOT willing to stand in front and say I let the child He trusted me with DIE when it was within my capabilities to PREVENT it because “I was afraid” is in Heaven, and HE is the ONLY one I will answer to when erroring on the side of life. After all, I’d rather be in prison with my son alive to visit me than home alone to look into my wife’s eyes over a picture of him lying in his coffin and know I did nothing to prevent it.

    Living people can be justified. Dead ones cannot.

    I took that decision a long time ago with complete strangers. I wasn’t ABOUT to back down about it with MY OWN SON.

    As it happened in MY case, the hospital KNEW they did wrong, but I won’t get into that now. All I’m saying is that this lady did what she had to do with the best information she could get and was an absolute blessing to her husband because she saved his life with God’s help and grace even as the hospital tried to kill him.

    Don’t trust hospitals. Don’t trust doctors. Don’t trust nurses. Especially after a political purge. They are not infallible gods. Do your own research, monitor your own kin, make your own decisions, and act on them if the alternative is clearly death. I’m not saying to do it lightly, respect the training and experience of those who daily live with life and death and obey the rules of the institution to the greatest extent possible, but also realize that there may come a point that they will fail you and throw you on your own resources, and be mentally prepared to act if you must.

    If the hospital gets huffy, so be it.

    At least your kin will be alive to bail you out.

  8. Amazing isn’t it? That hospital staff trained in life saving are so swayed by money and fear that they knowingly let people die. What’s really crazy is the hospital is getting the money but the staff act as if they are personally.

    My friend’s sister in law died last week. She had battled a tick borne disease for 14 months that destroyed her organs.
    She was tested for covid and it was negative. The hospital listed covid on the death certificate. My friend’s brother is livid. They told him it doesn’t matter. $$$$$$$$

  9. Why bother taking him to a hospital, if you want an illegal treatment.
    Do it at home, foolish people think they have to right to demand any type of treatment without any legal ramifications, if I only had a brain.

  10. Ivermectin isn’t “also made for humans”.

    Nobel-prize-winning, incredibly safe, long-standing wonder drug ivermectin is FOR “humans”. It “also” was found to be useful for parasite control in other animals.

  11. We are on Outbreak eleventy-four or something in my area. My favorite patient tested positive today, symptomatic. I always kiss her goodbye on the cheek, which I did on Tuesday. I don’t know if I’m burned out and exhausted or if I’m coming down with it or a head cold or regular fly or what…

    First dose ivermectin today after work, mixed in unsweetened Cranberry (can’t taste NOTHING through that). Zinc, C,D,E, quercetin.

    Tomorrow is going to be another understaffed shitshow, so I’ll be so overtired again I won’t know if I’m sick or just need to retire from nursing and go back to bartending.


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