Woman stabs herself because she’s sick of living in “Trump’s country” Culture – IOTW Report

Woman stabs herself because she’s sick of living in “Trump’s country” Culture


A Florida woman took Trump Derangement Syndrome to an extreme level – stabbing herself repeatedly in the abdomen and telling cops, “I’m tired of living in Trump’s country.”

34 Comments on Woman stabs herself because she’s sick of living in “Trump’s country” Culture

  1. Very sad to read these comments in this, the season of Christmas. The woman was evaluated to be mentally ill and a danger to herself and others. If you want to blame someone for tipping her over the edge, blame the media, because she is probably unemployed and spends her day being bombarded by 95% negative news coverage of POTUS Trump.

    OTOH, this story aside, if former oblowme and bernie supporters are feeling even half as bad as we all felt during 8 years of the oblowme’s occupying the WH, that makes me gleeful. They deserve it.

  2. @AbigailAdams – Comments such as mine aren’t meant to be taken seriously, but you know that of course. I look at it as a way to relieve a little of the pressure exerted by my internal Imp of the Perverse in an otherwise harmless manner.

  3. The democrats are selling their poison to any little mind who’ll listen, and hopefully believe unconditionally. Sad results this time, but the democrats don’t care two cents unless they find a way to spin it.

  4. Could she be a prophet for the demonrat party? Illustrating physically what Nancy, Adam, Jerry, AOC, Omar and their like minded comrades are doing to the demonrat party.

    Not that I am opposed them self destructing. I only object to the damage to America they are doing in the process.


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