Any chance JEB! will come forward to denounce his daddy?

Breitbart: Another woman has come forward to charge former President George H.W. Bush with sexual misconduct, bringing the number of accusers to at least half a dozen.
This sixth woman, who wants to remain anonymous, according to CNN, is the first to claim that the former president acted inappropriately when he was still in office.
The 55-year-old Michigan woman says the incident occurred in 1992 during Bush’s failed re-election campaign.
“We got closer together for a family photo, and it was like ‘Holy crap!’” MORE
If the press is going to treat anonymous sources with this much credibility, we are possibly at the tip of modern day Salem Witch Hunts or McCarthy Trials.
May ALL the treachery related to the Bush Crime Family come to the fore.
It was done out of love.
Increasingly, it appears that anyone who has some money, status, or prestige treats other people like shit while being the most sanctimonious hypocrites walking the planet.
Of course, I could revise that to say that most people are just pieces of shit and walk around being sanctimonious hypocrites and it would be equally true.
Grope by an Old Dope!
People who conceal their identity or remain anonymous when they make charges, no matter how minor, are of no interest to me because that could be the news org making it up themselves. BUT, I am interested in seeing what JEB! has to say because he managed to open his yap about Roy Moore, and I haven’t heard a peep out of him about his daddy.
There’s a sexual harassment lightning storm out there. And what does JEB! do? He stands next to the only tree in an open field. The boy is dumb.
From buggin’ and snoopin’ to gropin’ and squeezin’.
Has Flounder condemned daddy yet?
All men in politics or well known should keep their traps shut, tomorrow it may be you being accused. It appears to me at this point if someone is willing to offer money or a woman has an axe to grind even if it’s you didn’t smile at her then they will make accusations that you can’t disprove.
We’ve got to believe the women. Isn’t that the establishment/Dem mantra?
If he actually had a standing joke about his favorite magic trick resulting in him grabbing a woman’s bottom that is absolutely disgusting. And I don’t need to be lectured about ‘decency’ from any of these scumbags.
MJA, please clap.
“Low Energy” Bush family used up all their power voting for Hillary and condemning Trump. They will quietly take their beating in the media like the wimps they are. earlier BFH pic. Still get a kick out of it.
Hmm… I think that was done by the Looking Spoon. But yeah, it’s one of my favorite “Jebs”. 😀
Those poor Bush boys can’t believe daddy got more action than they did.
At first thought, a Republican accused, but never mind. Faux Republican.