Woman suing Jelly Belly because she didn’t know ‘Sport Beans’ contained sugar – IOTW Report

Woman suing Jelly Belly because she didn’t know ‘Sport Beans’ contained sugar

KFI: Jessica Gomez from San Bernardino County is suing Jelly Belly because she thinks she was tricked into believing one of the brands products was sugar free.

She’s blaming the company for “fancy phrasing.”

Gomez bought Jelly Belly’s Sport Beans, which are marketed as an exercise supplement containing carbohydrates, electrolytes, and vitamins.

The beans list “evaporated cane juice” on the label instead of citing sugar as an ingredient.

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24 Comments on Woman suing Jelly Belly because she didn’t know ‘Sport Beans’ contained sugar

  1. Packaging shows “sugar free” and “Splenda”. I see her point, although I don’t think that anyone could seriously regard this candy as a healthy supplement!

  2. I’ve lost 25.5 lbs just from eating low carb in like 1.5 months or something. In researching this it was appalling that there is hidden sugar in all kinds of stuff.

    I see her point but “evaporated cane juice?” WTF is cane? Sugar cane? What is sugar cane juice made of? Sugar? You evaporate that, what’s left? SUGAR?

    OMG. Unfortunately they will probably lose or settle with this troll.

    Sucrose, fructose, lactose, all are sugar.

    There was some “sugar free” ice cream or yogurt or something at a place and someone asked what it was sweetened with? “fructose”.

    Yeah. That’s sugar, bucko.

  3. What kind of cretin eats jellybeans for a healthy snack. She is an example of why warning labels like “do not consume” are on boxes of rat poison.

  4. I bought some klondikes the had sugar free in big letters on the front label and buried in the ingredients on the back was aspartame. Read it after I ate one and it put me in hospital since it completely does damage to my nervous system. That shit will kill you. Maybe I should sue…. Anyone that has anxiety and drinks diet sodas, give up the diet sodas and you lose the anxiety. It’s not the caffeine. PSA

  5. I hope she read the part in the ingredients: “Warning the substance used in this product Malitol, may have a laxative effect.” I ate a small bag of them once, and the effect lasted a couple of days. I hope it had the same effect on Gomez. Refried beans and Jelly Bellies don’t mix too well and that’s probably why she’s pissed. It ruined her taco fix.

  6. Imagine how much cheaper food (and many other products) would be without all the frivolous lawsuits. There are so many class action lawsuits against big brands for branding claims or individuals claiming they were misled. Companies that have to cough up millions of dollars to settle.

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