Woman Thinks Computer-Generated Password Was Intentionally Racist – IOTW Report

Woman Thinks Computer-Generated Password Was Intentionally Racist


A Seattle woman is accusing Western Washington’s primary energy provider, Puget Sound Energy, of intentionally allowing its automated computer-generated temporary password system to send a racial slur.

Erica Conway believes the insult was deliberate and wants the company to get to the bottom of it.

“I clicked “forgot password” and got a temporary password from PSE and it was capitol N-I-G-G-A and I was quite shocked.”

“It was like an emotional roller coaster. Shock, disbelief, disgusted, angry. It was just yeah, even now I’m just kind of like I cannot believe this. I just can’t believe it.”

Conway is a longtime volunteer of the Seattle chapter of the NAACP.

She showed us past temporary passcodes that were just random letters and numbers, so she believes this passcode slur was created deliberately.

“I was truly in disbelief. Because this is not normal, and this is not what a temporary password is supposed to say.”


Seizing upon a fluke just to be a victim.


29 Comments on Woman Thinks Computer-Generated Password Was Intentionally Racist

  1. “She showed us past temporary passcodes that were just random letters and numbers, so she believes this passcode slur was created deliberately.”

    She had past temporary passcodes? She keeps records of those?

  2. I went on an “emotional roller coaster” when I read this. First I laughed, then I thought she needed to get a life, then I felt she should be flogged, and then I laughed a bit more.

  3. F4UCorsair

    “She’s the kind that would send a nasty email to Post Cereal for bad words in her Alphabits.”

    You’re assuming an ability to read.

    She’s just another grievance industry start up, trying to milk money on the pretense of offense where no offense could POSSIBLY be intended.

    Since Loser Pays All Court Costs won’t ever happen, we do need a law where ANYONE bringing ANY false accusation against ANY individual or company, and is found to have lied, is guilty of fraud and subject to grievous financial penalties, like $25,000 minimum. Cut down on these fake nooses on doorknobs and Korans in toilets.

  4. This is typical of many in the black community. They go to extremes to find racial slights in everything that surrounds them so they can point out just how pervasive it is. It can be literally anything if they use enough imagination.

  5. @organgrinder..” They go to extremes to find racial slights in everything that surrounds them….”

    I wonder what goes through their minds when the sun goes down, and everything turns dark?

  6. Mmmm, I dunno. Seattle NAACP? This has the odor of a Rachel Dolezal story.
    Good thing she doesn’t live in Nigeria, imagine the level of outrage when she receives mail.

  7. I would laugh my ass off if I received a memorable temporary password. Most of the time I get something like, X43HA715EA0. It would be so awesome to get Cracker&007

  8. It didn’t happen and she can’t prove it did. Even if she took a screencap, she could’ve typed those letters herself, and most likely did. A password generator is going to use 3 out of the 4 uppercase/lowercase/numerals/symbols. NORMAL people would have either used it because it’s easy to remember, or hit the button again to get another one. She wants to cash in.

  9. I thought that it was a legitimate word, it is used so pervasively throughout their culture. If the word is used so commonly among her fellow kinsmen, then why complain when it is used anywhere else? The “we can use it but computers can’t” argument doesn’t fly, it is speciesism.

  10. This woman probably doesn’t know it, but she’s on the horns of a dilemma. The dilemma is this:

    “Is life intelligently designed?”

    She clearly made a design inference when she received this computer-generated password. From 5 characters.

    What would she think, I wonder, if she were made aware of the *mind-numbingly* complex CODE that is the basis for all known biological systems? Perhaps all the leftists (atheist/materialists) worked up over this would enjoy learning about God’s magnificent design work?


  11. I wonder how many times she’s requested a temporary password? Maybe she’s using it like a Vegas slot machine waiting for the right combination to come up and then cash in.


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