Woman tries to defend store from brazen thieves who feel impunity due to leftwing policies – IOTW Report

Woman tries to defend store from brazen thieves who feel impunity due to leftwing policies

17 Comments on Woman tries to defend store from brazen thieves who feel impunity due to leftwing policies

  1. Anonymous: think of the most obnoxious smelly nerd you went to school with. It’s like being ruled over by him/her. They deserve a punch in the face but you don’t do it because they’re so weak a strong wind puts them in a coma.

  2. I’m sure she is an honest person who had enough but she should not risk herself for a gas station.

    I’m an ugly person. If I was the CEO of that station I would organize 1 day shutdowns in rotation for all the gas retailers. Mobile on Monday, Shell on Tue, Texaco on wed, etc. In the State in question. I would still pay my employees for the Closed day but If the other fuel retailers followed suit as a warning to the Politicians the song would change fast.

    Instead, they kiss the asses of BLM and still get Robbed blind.

  3. Lock the door Put in a Bulletproof drive thru interface, big enough to rotate & Lock. the largest thing you sell through, Pay first item released. Next… Like in Detroit 30 years ago.


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