Woman Triggered By Red Hats – IOTW Report

Woman Triggered By Red Hats


Twitter is the place to drop an A-bomb like this. If this is serious, then this person needs help. If she wanted to get ratioed, mocked, and create a ruckus, then she certainly succeeded. Apparently, wearing red baseball caps is a triggering experience for Rebecca Makkai and she warned that it scares other people. Even baseball caps that aren’t political are not worth wearing because they trigger liberal America. I mean this is just pathetic. And people wonder why the far left isn’t taken seriously and seen as antithetical to liberal democracy. More

28 Comments on Woman Triggered By Red Hats

  1. I gather it’s more appropriate to exchange your red hat for a black mask and carry around a hammer to beat people with. Those antifa clad must be “a symbol of love bc of how its wearers act.”

    Good Lord what ignorance.

  2. I’ve carefully examined the woman’s tweets and then reviewed them once again to be certain, what I was able to ascertain is her problem is simple, she’s an ASSHOLE!!!!!


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