Woman Wearing U.S. Flag Shirt Mobbed near San Francisco Antifa Protest – IOTW Report

Woman Wearing U.S. Flag Shirt Mobbed near San Francisco Antifa Protest

Breitbart: A video shot at a protest in San Francisco shows a woman wearing a t-shirt with a U.S. flag and George Washington silkscreen being harassed, assaulted, and robbed. After stealing her property, the mob continued to taunt her as she tried to walk away.

The video shows a woman attempting to walk through the crowd that targets her, apparently for the shirt she wore. As she walked through the crowd yelled at her and blasted a siren in her face. more

10 Comments on Woman Wearing U.S. Flag Shirt Mobbed near San Francisco Antifa Protest

  1. Maybe 60 million people who vote for Biden believe that this and every other violent occurrence over the last 7 months is acceptable … with George Floyd as a role model, with the Media propaganda and with Democrats in charge, their militia of BLM, Antifa and Jihadists will help to change America into a cesspool ..

  2. My neighbor watched MSNBC/CNN. He informed
    me that it was right wing white supremacist
    that cauased ALL the riots,burning and looting
    and they were egged on by Trump.You can’t fix stupid.

  3. That shit with the siren is assault in my eyes. Again, a good knife or ice pick would have came in handy. Or better yet a concealed pistol. These M’f’ers need to be shot and killed, on sight.

  4. Badco

    To bad you weren’t around for last nights conversation. I personally believe times up for being a pacifist. Time to give them what they desire. These idiots are planning on mass violence on the fourth. They are telling us so. I read a couple days ago that some group from moveon.org was renting gym space to teach Libtards how to fight and encouraging violence on the 4th. If our side doesn’t get their minds right they will get hurt. Maybe worse. This is serious shit. It’s coming. And they don’t plan on limiting their activities to the “Usual Places”.


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