Woman Who Shoved Elderly Man Off of a Bus Will Now Be Charged With Murder – IOTW Report

Woman Who Shoved Elderly Man Off of a Bus Will Now Be Charged With Murder

A woman was angrily cursing at passengers on a bus in Las Vegas. As an elderly 74 year-old man was exiting the bus he offered his opinion that she should be nicer to people. She decided that this was bad advice and shoved him in the back so hard he cleared the three steps to the ground, striking his head on the pavement.

He died a month later and now she is facing murder charges.

Cadesha Michelle Bishop probably

32 Comments on Woman Who Shoved Elderly Man Off of a Bus Will Now Be Charged With Murder

  1. This has become typical ghetto rat behavior. Always a sucker-punch, or strike from behind, or out-number the victim. Victim is always white or Asian. At some point are we going to wise up.

  2. I hope witnesses come forward because there is no doubt she’ll throw the race card in trying to mitigate what is a slam dunk case. Having said that, murder seems a little high unless the DA is trying for a negotiated sentence. 2nd degree Murder or involuntary Manslaughter seems a little more appropriate if this was an unplanned murder which it seems like it was.

  3. She knew damn well she was going to hurt that old man pushing him like that. Especially because he was carrying an item in his hands and he had to be careful going down those steps.
    She can’t be in public. She’s done.

  4. Good now walk Plank. Bitch.

    That was the punishment at one time…

    Of course our lib court system would say ” she did not meannnnnn to kill the poor guy.”


  5. Low impulse and emotional control.

    That’s why you don’t knock out a drunk. He falls and bangs his head on the ground, you might be going to prison for a good-for-nothing alcoholic.

  6. Reminds me of the vile hater that threw the
    five year old child off the 3 story balcony.
    Like him, all she wanted to do was destroy a
    helpless victim weaker than herself.
    Too many blacks are sociopaths; 70% with no father,
    ignored by the woman who happened to produce them,
    “educated” to be illiterate and raised by the street.
    Do not turn your back to them. They often act like
    rabid animals when angry and they usually are.

  7. ontoiran: The old see something, say something. But if you say it against someone from the wrong victim group you find yourself in jail.

    I would say 2nd degree murder could be appropriate. She obviously intended to do great bodily harm, but premeditation might be hard to prove.

  8. This animal, most likely a welfare parasite & bad parent to many illegitimate animals, is who most politicians cater to and treat like special voting victims who can do no wrong. I think she is a subhuman low IQ scumbag who should get what she gave to that innocent man.

  9. very strange, how this kind of incident always seems to involve Persons of Preferred Pigmentation……

    but i may be overlooking all the “white person kicks elderly black off bus” news……..

    and yes….. where the folk are the hate crime charges??????


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