Woman With Ticket Says She Never Parked Over the White Lines – CCTV Says Otherwise – IOTW Report

Woman With Ticket Says She Never Parked Over the White Lines – CCTV Says Otherwise

Despite the video evidence, a woman says she did not park over the lines in a parking lot and she never moved her car after the ticket.


What was already an unusual parking fine dispute story has become even more bizarre thanks to the intervention of CCTV footage. The City of Fremantle in West Australia claimed to have caught a woman lying on social media about an unfair parking fine she received. The woman, Sally, had posted a photo online complaining she received a $50 fine for not parking within the white lines.

Her photo showed her parked car’s front tyre barely an inch over the line. Sally originally complained about the “unfairness” of the parking ticket … but the council parking inspector had a different version of events. A photo taken by the ranger who issued the fine showed Sally’s car illegally parked and clearly taking up two spaces on a busy Wednesday evening in the town’s centre.

Sally insisted she did not move her car to try and get out of a parking fine. “I see the time on his photo at 6.47pm and I don’t understand that at all … I have absolutely no recollection of moving the car and nor do my witnesses,” she said.

The mystery deepens.

Sally then said that one of her friends had told her he had seen “four big guys” lift and move her car on the night in question.

Likely story.

Despite the idea seeming a bit far-fetched, the council’s CCTV footage confirms that this is indeed what happened.

Nine minutes after a ranger fined Sally, four men can be seen in CCTV footage lifting her car into the centre of the parking bay to allow enough space for their vehicle to park in the neighbouring bay. A City of Fremantle spokesman said the council released the footage as Sally seemed to be having a hard time on social media over the article. “We now see this not as case of trying to fabricate evidence, just a really unusual series of events,” he said. “While this doesn’t change the fact the car was illegally parked across two bays at the time of the fine being issued, it does support the confusion Sally would have faced when she came back to her car.” Sally is still going to have to pay her fine.



Oh, because the tire was one inch on the white line.


13 Comments on Woman With Ticket Says She Never Parked Over the White Lines – CCTV Says Otherwise

  1. Have the Clintoon Cartel leaders been giving rationalization lessons to lesser shitpickles of the world? ‘i have no recollection of having an email server’ “i never sent any emails on a server i never had” “i didnt eat that hooker, nor did William Jefferson Clit, my husband (snark)”.”There were no headers showing classified documents, especially after i had them removed”.”Tell that pansy Christopher Stevens to suck it up, until i get my beauty sleep and past my hangover”.”there is no such thing as islamic terrorists, they were just bad ole boys shooting at me on the tarmac, no doubt working for Trump and Bush.”

  2. They should have broken off her mirrors, just to be sure there was enough clearance. I hate self-privileged assholes that park like this, and drive like there aren’t any traffic laws or signal devices that apply to them.

    Fuck her, all people like her, and her witnesses, in their big fat lips. Too bad the fine isn’t higher.

  3. Wish I could read the bumper stickers to confirm the leftism. Then again, all bumper stickers essentially say the same thing – “I don’t care what my car looks like because I didn’t earn it.”

  4. ya gotta go to the original story for this to make any sense … the top pics are the ones that Sally took after she got the ticket … the one that shows her well over the line & straddling 2 spaces (bays???) is the one the Parking Monitor dude took … the ‘big guys’ put the car in the corrected position … you wouldn’t know that from the secondary write-up, you’d just have to assume that’s what happened
    … pay up ya bint

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