Woman’s ‘box of sex toys’ contained her lover’s decapitated head – IOTW Report

Woman’s ‘box of sex toys’ contained her lover’s decapitated head


What’s in the box?!

The box of “sex toys” Maria del Carmen asked a neighbor on Spain’s north coast to keep an eye on actually contained the decapitated head of her missing husband. The rest of the man, identified by Spanish news outlet El Pais as 67-year-old Jesus Maria, remains missing.

According to the report, del Carmen, 61, asked a neighbor to keep an eye on her box of sex toys, which she didn’t want in her own home while authorities were poking around for clues that might help them locate Maria, who’d gone missing from their home in the town of Cantabria in February.

The neighbor, who isn’t identified in the report, finally decided to look inside the box once it started stinking up her house. What she found was far more shocking that a smattering of vibrators and blow-up dolls. The sight of Maria’s severed and rotting head reportedly sent her into “a panic attack.”

Maria’s relatives said they were always skeptical about del Carmen’s claim that her husband went on vacation by himself, where he broke his phone by dropping it in a bathtub. They later got text messages from a different number, but didn’t believe they were coming from the missing man. Their efforts to communicate with him verbally were unsuccessful.


ht/ fdr in hell

25 Comments on Woman’s ‘box of sex toys’ contained her lover’s decapitated head

  1. …as for the neighbor, if you’re over 10, the phrase “hold this for me, I don’t want the police to find it” or any variant thereof should be met with IMMEDIATE rejection…

  2. Lunatic Fringe — No! I was saying that in 2019, In Cold Blood would have never been written, Truman Capote would never be famous. It’s just another day in the neighborhood. Pretty awful how used we’ve become to gruesomeness.

  3. “You always … decapitate … the one you love …”
    Somebody’s a little confused on the concept.

    Outside of ragheads and Praying Mantises, this sort of activity is rarely associated with “love.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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