Woman’s March Speaker is a Murdering Psychopath – IOTW Report

Woman’s March Speaker is a Murdering Psychopath

Donna Hylton is enjoying a renaissance late in life after have served nearly 3 decades in jail for murder.

The women’s movement has embraced this psycho, having her speak during the “hysteric” women’s march.

She was in jail for the kidnap, torture, rape and murder of a 60 year-old man, and now she’s some sort of feminist icon, about to be portrayed in a movie by Rosario Dawson.


The details of the murder are horrific. Hylton and her posse kept the man in a closet, starving him, only letting him out to torture and sexually molest the man. Hylton shoved a 3 foot metal rod up the man’s rectum. She crushed his testicles with a pair of pliers.  No wonder man-hating feminists look to her as a hero.

This Hylton nutjob isn’t all that bright, either. Her defense at the time was that she wasn’t there when he was killed. In fact, she didn’t even know the victim had died. But in an interview with investigators, when asked why she shoved a rod up the man’s anus, the big brain feminist blurted out that the “guy was going to die anyway.”

This proved premeditation, and she paid during sentencing for her stupidity.


Ironically, one of the other things they keep lauding about Hylton is how beautiful she is.

When a feminist is butt ugly, looks are never to be discussed. Objectifications, like pointing out homeliness, is something to be corrected in society, until a feminist is beautiful, then it’s in the first 2 sentences of their bio.

I love the feminist movement. It’s a large part of why we have Trump in office.



32 Comments on Woman’s March Speaker is a Murdering Psychopath

  1. Wouldn’t it have been nice for a couple of fun loving lads to dress in some coveralls with fake nametags, carrying tool boxes and looking like stage crew to splice into the mic wire and when this bitch started speaking cut out her mike and instead play the details of her crime and some of her quotes. If it’s hidden well enough it would take a few minutes to find while the intrepid duo wander off to a pub for a couple of cold ones and a sandwich. Hell, I can dream can’t I.

  2. So, the Libtards had a chance to actually take the ‘moral-high ground’. With the rejection of the Clintons they could have presented some new faces and have a message of ‘we are the party that will raise the bar in DC’ or something along those lines because ‘Trump said creepy things about his daughter and made vulgar comments about what one can do with one’s fame’. They could have done that and the nation would have been better for it. (the irony there is Trump could have taken credit for being that catalyst but I digress)

    The dems/progressives/libtards could have done that. But what they did was to go full retard and give the mike to a literal “psycho-Bitch” who crushed a man’s testicles with a pair of pliers and then rammed a 3 foot steel rod up the poor victim’s back side; this before she and her teammates murder the guy. Their masks are off; the true horror of who they are is on display and Trump is the reason and I thank him for it.

  3. Why is this monster even out of prison? Who was the dipstick that picked her to be a featured speaker for women???!! This is unbelievable. The more I hear about the “women’s march”, the more I know that what they stand for is not what I stand for. They are vicious, hateful, vulgar and make threats to blow up the WH. If I had made such a comment, I would be sitting in jail. Ms. Judd talks disgustingly about blood on her jeans and bed and she wants women to stand up and raise their fists in support?! No way. I choose to be a lady, be respectful to my fellow men/women, support my friends, honor my family and country and live a decent life. These women are repulsive in their vagina outfits and profane language. No, they do not represent what is good in this world.

  4. Well, when you are OK with ripping a baby to pieces, puncturing its skull and sucking its brains out while yanking it out of the womb, whats the problem with a little testicle crushing and shoving a rod up someone’s ass before killing him. This bitch was in good company. If Kermit Gosnell was a woman, he would have been guest of honor.

  5. Put her on the Beltway at rush hour and drive a Cadillac up her big ass!
    Unfortunately the worst thing that would happen is the driver would have to drive around for a half hour with the lights on to find the way out while holding his nose!

  6. What the actual f-k. How can ANYONE support this hideous crone? She’s a violent murderer/torturer/rapist and she served MASSIVE prison time for it, HOW CAN ANYONE DEFEND OR GLORIFY THAT. o o

  7. This is why God has commanded capital punishment. She should have been executed.

    It is insane she was released. No prison term is sufficient for some one so messed up and evil.
    The fact that the feminists laud her speaks volumes about how disgusting they are, but then again they kill their own children by abortion so I guess I’m not that surprised.

    Evil walks among us (and it’s wearing a shirt with the female symbol on it).

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